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Road 01-10-2012 06:38 AM

Flip the script. Make your weakness your strength
Turn your weakness into your strength. "Small dick?" Don't give the secret away, but slowly let her know, and tell her to give her a chance by letting you eat out her vagina, ass, learn how to give an amazing massage. Learn how to kiss, And she will fuck your brains out. And that's all you need to learn sex wise. Maybe look into a few positions.

Don't have confidence? Have this in your mind; Get it through your head, you will die one day, how will you look back and realize you didn't risk/ have the balls to just say "hi" to a girl. Look into openers and how to dress.

That is all.

hoverfly 01-10-2012 09:09 AM

That's the spirit, Road.

Road 01-10-2012 01:26 PM


hoverfly 01-10-2012 02:06 PM

I had a quick look at the site. Just be careful, anybody that keeps insisting that it is free and wonderful, all in huge bold caps, I feel the urge to check my wallet. LOL

I'm just downloading the freebie, I am quite curious about just how I am going to pull all those birds.

Just keep your eyes peeled, ok? They'll have your card details quicker then you can say 'tit'. LOL

hoverfly 01-10-2012 02:28 PM

Wow, that book is incredible. LOL

Good grief, i could have told you that load of old bollocks just as cheaply. It takes half the freebie book to actually get to the point and what then follows... I'd swear blind the very same guy also runs at least half a dozen Penis Enlargement sites.

So, on I went to have a look at the wonderful online game. Just a dollar to try, just for you, just up his backside. The single dollar of course came to US-$ 56.40, which included 20% british VAT, something he is not even remotely eligible for with the company being located in the USA. Talk about a thieving little bastard.

And don't even try the pick-up lines from the book, well, at least not unless you are actually looking for a woman whose spelling and grammar are about as bad as this guys.

Skimming the cream from the gullible, that's what that is. Money back guarantee, you betcha. Again, I'd swear blind the guy simply counts his customers being too shy to even ask. A bit like the 'Penis Enlargement' sites. Let's face it, who's going to ask for his money back or even go so far as to risk his name being out in the open by trying to recover it via a court case.

My best bit of advice would be...

Keep well away from that site!

crazy8 01-10-2012 04:50 PM


"Small dick?" Don't give the secret away, but slowly let her know, and tell her to give her a chance by letting you eat out her vagina, ass, learn how to give an amazing massage. Learn how to kiss, And she will fuck your brains out. And that's all you need to learn sex wise. Maybe look into a few positions
How would you know if you have not tried it.

Road 01-10-2012 06:17 PM

Ha, I deleted that link, I guess I just liked the main paragraphs. And I dunno man, I just feel the media tricks men into thinking what women want. I can just feel they want to feel loved and secure, also treated with respect and not just seen as meat. Media might also be wrong that all women want skinny guys, some like em chubby, which is maybe when I also see girls looking at me.

crazy8 01-10-2012 07:55 PM

You are absolutely right man. Women want many other things other then size.
I would even go as far as saying that the only women who are only looking for big sizes are those that want a one night stand. Those that just want their brains fucked out, and then go back to normal life.
And yes, a lot of women adore chubby guys. But i wouldint say that thats why you catch girls looking at you. Maybe they just like your looks period. Maybe you attractive as hell to women, but you never knew that.
You wont know anything until you try.
Thats why i keep telling you to just go and get laid. Once you do that you can start your search for the woman of your dreams.
All these articles you are reading are just that, articles. Nothing compares to real life experience.

Road 01-10-2012 11:37 PM

Wait Hover, did I read that right? That website stole 50 from you? Did you give your credit card info? If thats true I know feel like a major fuckhead for posting the link.......:.

hoverfly 01-11-2012 04:13 PM

No, no, no, Road, hold your horses. I just went through the motions to see just how much they intended to 'do' me for. No way, a) I don't like burning money and b) I don't even have a credit card. LOL

Yes, people like me still do exist, so I hear.

Road 01-11-2012 06:30 PM

Ooooo. Whew.

hoverfly 01-11-2012 07:19 PM

What that a sigh of relief or one of amazement at the dinosaur you just met? LOL

Road 01-11-2012 08:40 PM

Haha. I hope when I'm your age I can retire with a nice wife and some weed smoking days.

hoverfly 01-12-2012 07:21 AM

Evenings, Road, only in the evenings. My traditional close to the day. LOL

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