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The Other Side (women insecurities)
I found this documentary similar to the My Penis And I, but the women version,
My Breasts And I. My Small Breasts and I | DocumentaryStorm - Stream Full Documentaries I couldnt find the full version, hopefully somebody here can. Anyway this got me thinking, women have insecurities maybe even more than men. Does this mean maybe most women can understand and will accept us for us? Which is worse? Personally I don't care for boob size, I love all women, maybe women think the same? |
Jeez, you don't seem to know much about women, they're one big heap of insecurity. It ranges from just about everything going, their faces, their tits, their minges, their height, their weight, their clothes. I suppose you've never heard them talking amongst themselves when they think there are no men present. Give it a try, buy a long range snooper's hearing aid from an industrial espionage shop and amuse yourself in the park on a nice day.
This is the full streaming doc, 55 mins.
My Small Breasts and I - Watch Free Documentary Online - BBC, Sarah Waldron, Kate Hardie (narrator) I am looking for a downloadable and DivX DVD player version. |
I have a feeling that I've posted these links before but you may be interested in this:
The perfect Vagina (Channel 4 documentary) Synopsis: In an age where boob jobs, liposuction, tummy tucks and botox are commonplace it would seem that women have found a new part of the body to worry about: their vaginas. Vaginal cosmetic surgery on the NHS has doubled in the UK over the past five years and in the private sector there has been a 300% increase in labiplastys, making it the fastest growing form of cosmetic surgery in the UK. Download links (no password) http://hotfile.com/dl/60682688/672e4...part1.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/60480106/44df5...part2.rar.html http://hotfile.com/dl/60480130/8e334...part3.rar.html This is a XVid file that'll happily play on any DivX capable DVD player. |
Even though most times the subject of boob size comes up the majority of guys say they prefer smaller size over big ones. Women don't hear that though. I guess it's human nature. We accept compliments a lot easier than we do criticism. If during your day you meet 10 people and 9 of them say something nice or complementary to you and 1 person says something mean or critical, you can guarantee you'll being thinking about the one criticism more than you will the 9 compliments. |
Well, all hail to fashion mags then. If you watch the 'Perfect Vagina' documentary... blimey, how bad can it get?
Allthough my ISP, as every morning, is unable to look up the IP addresses of half the Domains I am trying to access, giving me little more then a '... can't be found', so I can't verify too many publications at the momen, let's for the time being just look at Vogue for example. Vogue (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at MediaOwners.com) owned by Conde Nast (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at MediaOwners.com) owned by Advance Publications, Inc. (Conde Nast Publications profile and media properties at MediaOwners.com) and not a single woman in sight. Samuel l. Newhouse Jr. is the CEO of Advance Publications, Inc. Privately owned by Samuel "Si" Newhouse Jr. and his brother, Donald. Charles H. Townsend is the CEO of Conde Nast Publications. Agreed, there may possibly a woman at the helm of Vogue but I do not believe that policy descissions are made at the actual magazine itself. There is such undoubtedly such a thing as large scale top down influence on policy making and the recent phone hacking scandal in the UK I believe has given adequat proof of that (ie. Murdoch and his cronies). Do watch that 'Perfect Vagina' programme, it is very good and shows you at least some of the trick of the trade when it comes to making women 'suitable' for publication (such as photoshopping breasts, improving the looks of the vulva, yes, they apparently need improving and some hilariously disgusting comments by some interviewed men). Unfortunately, as I said, I have no way of checking out all the mags there are, besides, I probably haven't heard of even 5% of them but the Mediaowners website is rather enlightening, though not surprising. |
At some point I lost a bookmark to a website that provided (flash) graphic interconnections for most of the worlds major corporations and I haven't been able to find it even with extensive research across most search engines. You'd query one company and get a graphic of all its affiliations, inc. CEO's etc., a very useful site that I wish I could recover. If anybody has that site to hand it would be nice to post it here.
You might be surprised, though you shouldn't be. |
3 Attachment(s)
A few tiny tits for those who are interested
I have no problem to those woman. They are each still beautiful, all though maybe boobs don't matter much because I am major ass guy. Even then a small ass wouldn't bother me. Also, this is going off-topic. Should I ignore a woman with a big ass? Would there be too much meat on her for pleasure and penetration? Just something I wonder about. |
@Virgin4Inch: As we in Britain in particular have recently learned, the policies are made at the top, rarely at editorial level.
I strongly suggest you watch that 'Perfect Vagina' doc. Interesting for more then just on reason. In the meantime, let's agree to disagree, shall we? LOL |
I watched it a couple of weeks ago. Stupid. As bad as those docs by the guy with the small dick. Pointless. Magazine content is rarely dictated by publishers. That would be like saying the publishers of Stephen Kings book dictate what he writes about. The publishers front the money for printing and distribution. The editorial staff determine what goes into the magazine. |
How are his docs stupid and pointless? Its nice to see someone accept themselves, man or woman.
Well I actually like big boobs. Always have, it is perhaps my biggest weakness my whole life. My wife had C's when we married, then they went up to DD's when she was pregnant and nursing. Now that she is done with that part of our lives they have deflated to B's. But she is all natural and that what I like the best. I would not want any woman I care about to feel the need to surgically modify herself just to do wjat she thinks I want.
Couldn't agree more, Stoutman. Natural, somewhat deflated after the children or not, makes no odds to me, she is my wife and I love her just the way she is. I wouldn't want to fondle some highly unnatural looking and probably feeling, though I wouldn't know about that, breast. Nature's best.
I saw the second one first and I remember after watching it my thoughts were, if the object of this was to make men feel better about their size it didn't work on me. In the few scenes where they actually had women stating their preference they almost all had nothing good to say about small ones. He had a group of women making clay models of their ideal penis and they all made big ones while making snide comments about small ones. The wife of the idiot who had the operation seems to think that 4 or 5 inches is "really small" and refused to marry a guy because his dick was too small. Then there's the women in the operating room who thought his perfectly normal penis was "on the small side". |
I want to make an obvious but needed statement:
We/Me/You/Us have a small penis. We are below the average in size. Media, tv, men who brag, bitches, have let it known that this is a "bad" thing. Not sure how true or if that's true at all. What I do know is if you let it get to you and affect you enough you shut down from society and women, you are in fact losing. This hasn't always been my mindset, it wasn't like this last year, but as I grow I find out how much it may not matter, it's all in the head. As for the girl in the second documentary, she seemed like a bitch and judgmental, she isn't the only person like that in the world. The nurse said it was small, well it was flaccid, I remember the guy saying he was around 6-7 inches erect. The clay model girls said for real realtionships, size wasn't a main factor. If you want a one night stand though, I suggest look into how to give amazing sex non-penis wise. I have no sex experience , but I feel I'm right about this one. |
Nice one, Road, especially the change in your signature. I like it.
One night stands are just not for guys like us. if those Women are looking for a big dick to fuck for a night, let them find a big dick. |
Yea hover I copied and pasted two different quotes from people an article about menwith small sizes, I really liked them so I combined them. And yea another very good point. As for the concept on sex and one night stands goes, how much can you trust a stranger man or women for just sex? I'm a virgin and I don't give a fuck for sex with a stranger, I'd rather have a FWB with some girl I know. Rather trust a professional call girl than a one night stand.
I Also want to make one more than, show me a person under 35 that doesnt have insecurities. No one is perfect.
As you say, no one is perfect. :D And, somehow, that's the beauty of it. If we were all perfect and agree on all the same things, to me, life would be so boring I'd shoot myself.:rolleyes: As Hoverfly mentioned, nice signature, especially that part: "If we don't accept ourselves, for what we are, then how can we expect anyone else to accept us?" |
Yup. I don't even remember where I saw the quotes I read so many articles on random stuff sometime. I also don't want to make it seem as if I'm completely over my small size. I do wonder and it does get to me every now and then but I don't let it control me. Dressing nice and having girls (older woman sometimes!) check me out helped my self-esteem. I'm still a shy guy
most of the time though. |
We girls are much more insecure than guys, or so it comes across! Alot of us blame fashion mags, i dont personally think it has anything to do with it, the pressures start much younger than that, usually at school. It ranges from are you too fat/thin, are your boobs too small/big n saggy, do u have a flat/fat ass, are your 'lips' too long/short, do you have nice legs.....
I always got inults about my small boobs and got told i was too thin! When we were in the changinrooms at gym one of the girls said i had big 'lips'! These things all stick in your head! |
You're probably right, conditioning and scaring starts early.
With most visible issues of people I can happily live with, no problem. I do like slim women, not that I don't have my preferences but that being said, I once fell deeply in love with a quite overweight lady but she did have the most beautiful face and hair. It didn't go very far in the end, maybe just as well, otherwise I might never have met my wife. Big boobs, small boobs. Like Stoutman says in his signature about penises, they are still boobs. So long as they are natural, I'm fine with whatever they look like. Besides, have a couple of kids, give it some time and they all obey gravity and that too is just fine with me. Anything but those horrible recyled rubber enhancements. No, never been into fondling recycled bicyle tires. Big lips, now that could refer to at least two different sets. Again, personally, I just love women with protruding labia. Very sensitive, very playful, no end of enjoyment to be derived from those and the other ones too. LOL Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've never been one for 'going on the prowl' for one night stands but rather first discover and built a loving relationship and then off into the bunk. And then, any woman will be stunningly beautiful. You just got to love those hormones and neurotransmitters. |
The 'lips' one is a tricky one, at least guys have an idea of what an average cock length is, we girls dont really have anything to base the size of ours on lol! I've been told mine are big but maybe he's only ever seen small ones, difficult to know?
Most guys seem to have a real thing for big boobs, i've always had insults for being smaller, but no way i'd go fake! |
"Most guys seem to have a real thing for boobs" is more like it. I bet if you took a poll there would be more guys in the "I like them small to medium" category then there would be in the "I like then big". When I like a girl I hardly pay any attention to her breast size. Was it guys or girls that insulted you about your boobs? either way i can't believe people do things like that. I've never made any comment positive or negative to a woman about her breasts. |
@ SexyKaty
Virgin4 and Hoverfly are quite right I think. Most men I know, although they do have their preferences (may be better called phantasms or desires), don't care that much about breasts or labials size. The package as a whole, along with attitude, is what really does it. People who mock others with things like "small boobs" or "small cock" are usually shallow people who have some problems of their own. Granted, they disturb others when doing that. But someone has to see beyond that. As well, corporate societies are there to sell us "the perfect body" and many people fall for that instead of understanding that the message is wrong. This has screwed up many people. The bottom line is, as you say yourself, don't go fake (neither physiologically nor psychologically). Be yourself, accept yourself with all the good and less good parts, work with that and enjoy yourself in the mean time. All that said, with a smile like yours, I'm pretty sure you can melt most guys hearth very easily, no matter what their size are!:) |
There is one feeling I can't shake, and that is with all the insecurities women have, it doesn't amount to that of the mindset of a small dick. That's just me.
I have a question for Katy, what do your friends say on penis size? |
I love small boobs, probably the smaller, the better. My wife is small. Two of my three daughters are small. While they were home, it was a joy. :) One of my favorite songs on the Dr. Demento program, was Sulu singing "Small busted women have big hearts too". Oh, I never, ever, said anything about a woman's boobs; why? |
There was actually a rather shallow and stupid comment about labia size in that programme 'The perfect Vagina'. Some painter/decorator mentioned he would never have sex with a woman if she had an 'ugly' fanny and he was referring to protruding labia.
Clearly an idiot, knowing little or nothing about female physiology but nevertheless, that's what it was all about and judging by the yearly increase in labiaplasty in the UK, maybe not as far fetched as some might think. BTW. Please be sure that you know the difference. You can't see the vagina, it's hidden inside the femail body, what you can see is the vulva, ie. the externally visible part of a females sexual organs. |
Virgin, Yeah i've seen videos etc, seen plnty girls i the changingrooms, seen allsorts of shapes n sizes, but theres still no one to tell you what average is?
It was mostly guys that insulted me about my breast size, most had a thing for bigger ones! Road, Well from what i hear from most girls is that they like an averged size, anything from 4-6inches, some like them smaller n some like them huge, we all tend to talk about it. Well all i'd say is you can hide a small cock, its difficult to hide a flat chest lol, it tends too be one of the first things a guy looks at! Thanks for the kind words guys! |
Glenn |
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