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proud2blittle 01-26-2012 01:25 PM

mean girls
Ok so I have been reading a few post, this topic have have already been covered but didn't see a thread on it, and noticed that some guys have had a run in or to with mean girls that laughed and have heard of girls seeing a small penis and just leaving. The first girl I was with, I was 16 she was 15, was a virgin as well and she was very thigh I can remeber looking down at me going in an out of her and even though she was dripping wet, she had so tearing and started to blead all over my dick so she never metion size. Nor did anyone else, until I asked. And most my gfs had guys bigger then me but never said anything or were unsadisfied. But anyways to the point how many guys have had some one honestly laugh leave or just plain be mean about size? Just wondering.

hoverfly 01-26-2012 09:56 PM

Never had any problems myself either but may I ask, which Georgia are you speaking of? Georgia, USA or Georgia in the Caucasus?

Virgin4Inch 01-26-2012 10:05 PM

There has only been 3 women that have seen my penis. One was a doctor, one was a girl I paid for a BJ and the third was the woman I lived with for 8 years. The first two had no reason to make a comment and the third knew how big I was before she ever saw it.

proud2blittle 01-27-2012 03:55 AM


Road 01-27-2012 05:50 AM

I've talked to couple members on here, few that have been with over 30 women, and they told me women never made a single remark. I say if you know how to use it and the extra things to do during sex, is there even a problem? Maybe my moral is high or positive because I haven't had a girl laugh or comment on my size so I can't really out myself in a place like that.

hoverfly 01-27-2012 10:29 AM

Thanks Proud2belittle.

proud2blittle 01-27-2012 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 22642)
I've talked to couple members on here, few that have been with over 30 women, and they told me women never made a single remark. I say if you know how to use it and the extra things to do during sex, is there even a problem? Maybe my moral is high or positive because I haven't had a girl laugh or comment on my size so I can't really out myself in a place like that.

I was just asking, because I read a few threads on here and there are stories of guys being laughed at, plus in college my room mate was actually walked out on and as she was leaving she yelled down the hall, " what I am suppose to do with 4 inches". He was crushed we move shortly after as soon as our lease was up, every one in the appt. Complex started to make fun of him.

proud2blittle 01-27-2012 11:24 AM

Ok hope I linked that right, but here is a newer one. My wife has told told some people, yes, but only close friends and most already knew. Most of my friends I've been friends with for a long time. I have been with my wife fforalmost 7 years now but before that I use to "run around" alot. Some of my oldest friends have even see it, give it a long time ago. And still wanted to have sex with me.

you are totally right it all in the motion and confidence, one of closes friends had seen it and had had sex with guys from 6 to about 12 inches, but I always here what evern a woman says at 3inches to might me a lie in this case, and even after seeing it for about 3 years after she would still try to get me to have sex. No some may say "dude you should have hit that" but I much rather have my friend the an other notch on the bed post. Have penlty anyways. But I do have friend that I were gfs first and now married some one esle and divorced that give me abooty call, and planty say im the best, its not about size I truly believe that. Its about confidence stamina and rhythm. Im not trying to boost but just saying what I've lived.

Road 01-27-2012 11:30 AM

More than a few women will be bitches, it happens. I can see someone moving out due to embarassment seeing as I'm that way myself. He should have confronted her and said "Maybe if you didn't fuck over 100 times your pussy wouldnt be so big!"

Couldn't agree more.

proud2blittle 01-27-2012 12:05 PM

Lol he did like sluts, but yeah we moved just glad it didn't follow to him to class, if it did he dint tell me.

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