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hoverfly 02-09-2012 08:56 AM

Losing weight permanently can be as difficult as quitting smoking. Well, we all have our little addictions, don't we.

trickydicky 02-09-2012 11:24 AM

Hi I tried years ago and they made no improvement

smallballs 06-04-2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by bustedm (Post 23015)
This thread gave me an idea for a SPH fantasy...

You try out some of those penis enlargement pills and it's a total fraud as expected. So you tell everyone in the forum.
Well, the enlargement company doesn't care for your comments. So they use the court system to make an example out of you.
Soon, you're giving a deposition about your little dick to their ballbusting female lawyer. Before and after photos are taken and presented to the disapproving women of the jury. There's a packed courtroom and the media has a field day with it. You get the idea.

That is a pretty funny idea, love the idea of the guys tiny dick becoming court record.
Heres another thing that could happen. A group of guys decide to sue the company for false advertising after the enlargement pills don't work. It will be anonymous though and the lawyers will handle everything so it wont be embarrassing for the little guys.
The enlargement company decides to fight back though, and hires some hot female private investigators, to find the identity of the guys. The PIs seduce them and then after they have their clothes off and take pictures of the guys tiny dicks. Now the guys will have to drop the lawsuit, or their tiny dicks and identities will be made public.

bustedm 07-23-2014 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by smallballs (Post 35022)
That is a pretty funny idea, love the idea of the guys tiny dick becoming court record.
Heres another thing that could happen. A group of guys decide to sue the company for false advertising after the enlargement pills don't work. It will be anonymous though and the lawyers will handle everything so it wont be embarrassing for the little guys.
The enlargement company decides to fight back though, and hires some hot female private investigators, to find the identity of the guys. The PIs seduce them and then after they have their clothes off and take pictures of the guys tiny dicks. Now the guys will have to drop the lawsuit, or their tiny dicks and identities will be made public.

I love the idea of sitting in a conference room full of female lawyers as they negotiate over photos of your little penis.

kdono 07-25-2014 03:17 PM

Or any room full of women ;)

leronleron 07-27-2014 01:10 AM

I don't think weight loss is supposed to actually get your dick bigger, just make it look bigger because you lose fat around it so it isn't as camo'd by a belly. That's what I gathered somewhere anyway

Bodydismorphia 08-05-2014 05:18 PM

i tried most exercises but none works. It is fun to play with ur penis and thats almost all about it but as tinydickadmin says, if u lose weight and lose that fat pad at the base of ur penis, now thats what really works. It is also about proportions too, a 4 inch dick on a big fat guy would look tiny when compared with a 4 incher on a tiny guy.

Another thing is, i d rather have a functioning one than a bigger looking but harmed one. I have read horror stories from men who injured their dicks while doing pe and i was almost about to write one myself.

So we are to forget about how to make it bigger as it wont get any bigger but learn to enjoy it.

just my 50 cents

Cockman2400 10-14-2015 10:11 PM

Hello I am trying the stealth penis stretcher has any one else tried this

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