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tinycock 02-10-2012 04:12 AM

Do you warn the woman in advance?
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but I am new to this group. You folks give excellent advice, so I thought I would pose this question to all of you:

When you begin to date a woman (and she has no idea about your "shortcomings,") before things gets physically intimate for the first time between the two of you, do any of you "warn her" so she is not stunned or disappointed?

Personally, I never have. But I always question whether I should say "Look, I want you to know something before you reach/go down there. I am on the small side. I just wanted you to know ahead of time."

Letting her know ahead of time might ease her into it.


bifire69 02-10-2012 04:28 AM

Years ago I never would, having never giving two thoughts about my size and having the smaller head doing all the thinking. However today things are different and I do warn partners about my size, and i am met with no resistance.

Nicolehips80 02-10-2012 08:05 AM

The issue
If a woman is so shallow that you have to worry about your penis size, then she is not worth your love and attention. This is just the way it is. They love you for you and not your penis. Hug to you.

hoverfly 02-10-2012 11:05 AM

Well, I am probably not the best person to ask this but I never have and we've been married for nearly 27 years now. Never a complaint, never a laugh, nothing. Personally, I never would. You don't go round saying: 'Well, actually, I am stupid you know'.

Road 02-10-2012 11:41 PM

No. But I hear a slight hint that maybe she might not want to be with me, I'll just let her know how good I am at other things. To some girls, a small size might be strange, new or unknown to them. Never beg though.

jobleau 02-11-2012 02:54 PM

Oddly enough for some of you, I don't think about my penis when with a girl. I think a lot about how she looks, trying to imagine her naked.

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