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viper2ko 02-18-2012 04:27 PM

So is Dead??
All I see are is recycled videos from over the web of that fat guy Joe. No more exclusive videos I see. And no new scenes that you shot but don't wanna release. Fuck this.

Road 02-19-2012 06:28 PM

I should speak to someone like ricemaster or anybody in porn. I have an idea for starting a porn series sorta involving SPH but nothing like it at all. I could be the next Mark Zuckerberg... of porn lol.

hoverfly 02-19-2012 09:49 PM

Road, if you are seriously interested in that, I still have a dedicated server (dual CPU, 8GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, unlimited bandwidth) that I want to get rid off. Cost approx. 1,000 GBP p.a., you'd have to work the price out in your currency. Payment is in Euros regardless.

Also, I could throw in a fully licenced forum software for free. IP.Board 3.0.5. Updates for a year, inc. full support goes at 20 US-$, if I remember right.

You would have to set the server up yourself, will provide some help though. The contract is paid up to the end of April, again if I remember right.

If it is to be a pay system, you'd also have to add the cost for the secure site (HTTPS). Additional HDD space is available at short notice. Anything up to several TB is no problem. Full ACP access and full configurability via Parallels Plesk Panel.

But remember one thing, this does require in depth knowledge of setting up, maintaining and operating a dedicated server. It may be all menu driven but you'd still have to know what you are doing. If you need to hire someone to do that, you'd better start saving up now.

If you are interested, PM me and I will provide you with all the system details.

Road 02-20-2012 01:06 AM

I have almost no idea on all the lingo stuff you just dropped. Haha, maybe me and you could start our own website since it seems you know how to get something started!

hoverfly 02-20-2012 11:15 AM

Retired, retired and not changing it for all the money in the world. Believe me.

But if that is so, you need a tech guy and plenty of cash for promotion, cameras, actors, software, a real computer and I mean one with BIGTIME muscle for editing and rendering and and and. Don't want to put you off but there are literally tens of thousands of sites out there, most likely not owned by more then 20 companies, plus those that barely scrape by. You'd better have a great niche market idea or you might find you are flogging a dead horse.

Road 02-20-2012 05:33 PM

Yup. With so much involved in porn, it's not hard to see why websites die down. And from what I've heard, porn up close isn't as fun as It looks.

hoverfly 02-20-2012 09:38 PM

That could be too true. Allthough I love sex and love making, I don't think I'd like the pressure of having to perform and then ejaculate on cue. Mind you, if you can, you may be able to make at least some money from it as a performer. I don't think it'd be cup of tea.

Virgin4Inch 02-21-2012 02:56 AM

I don't see why you would need all that stuff. A decent digital camera and some know how would get you good enough results. If you're aiming at true SPH niche then technical quality isn't going to matter that much. Let's face it most of the stuff I jack off to is videos off the net recorded off someones webcam.

It's getting the girls to do it and do it good and finding guys who want to be subjected to SPH on camera that would be the problem. Check out the Hey Little Dick website. The guy that runs that site used to post on their forums a lot and he said it was difficult finding the right kind of guys to be in the videos. Too many guys with 6" or more.

hoverfly 02-21-2012 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 23479)
I don't see why you would need all that stuff. A decent digital camera and some know how would get you good enough results. If you're aiming at true SPH niche then technical quality isn't going to matter that much. Let's face it most of the stuff I jack off to is videos off the net recorded off someones webcam.

Would you be willing to cough up 30 dollars a month subscription fee for amateur pics? I couldn't tell, never paid for any porn site myself.

Road 02-21-2012 09:22 PM

O wow, I didn't even now there were more forums on porn sites, I thought this was special.

tower 02-21-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 23479)
I don't see why you would need all that stuff. A decent digital camera and some know how would get you good enough results. If you're aiming at true SPH niche then technical quality isn't going to matter that much. Let's face it most of the stuff I jack off to is videos off the net recorded off someones webcam.

It's getting the girls to do it and do it good and finding guys who want to be subjected to SPH on camera that would be the problem. Check out the Hey Little Dick website. The guy that runs that site used to post on their forums a lot and he said it was difficult finding the right kind of guys to be in the videos. Too many guys with 6" or more.

In this horrible economy i dont see any problem in getting girls & guys to perform in videos. Im quite sure their are plenty of small guys willing to make a few bucks but you just gotta find them & hope they dont mind everyone knowing they are small.

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2012 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 23482)
Would you be willing to cough up 30 dollars a month subscription fee for amateur pics? I couldn't tell, never paid for any porn site myself.

Not month by month no. I paid for the Hey Little Dick site for one month and downloaded all the videos they had to offer. You also get access to two other sites they run one CFNM and the other some cruelty BS that I'm not into. The CFNM site had some good stuff on it.

But once you have all they have to offer there's not much point in paying another monthly fee just to get the one or two new videos they have added.

It's the only time I've paid for porn though.

hoverfly 02-22-2012 08:33 AM

I definitely get your point Virgin but looking at it from the business side of things, that's of course bad news, that's why the site need constant updating and adding to, so people stay on the ball. Nothing is worse the getting the reputation of running an outdated site with few updates. Word does get around.

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2012 04:05 PM

Yes that's true. It's something a lot of websites have to deal with. I think it would be better to sell the videos on a one by one basis instead of having a monthly subscription fee. That way the customers will come back each month and buy the new additions without having to pay the whole months fee.

Of course another problem is people who buy the stuff then upload it to torrent sites or forums so other people can get them free.

hoverfly 02-23-2012 08:41 AM

You hit the nail pretty well on the head there regarding torrent and filehosting shares but on the other hand, I know a few people with money to burn that do actually pay for numerous websites, be it only to have access before anybody else.

I am not really bothered watching porn on the web these days, you can't beat a bit of life action, still, they keep sending my their usernames and passwords, which is yet another way to lose money.

Tom78728 02-23-2012 10:07 PM

I hope if someone does they get small dick actors that aren't small just becasue of fat. The MTD vids are a joke becuase the women would be more disgusted by his Jabba the Hut body than his little dick.

jobleau 02-23-2012 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tom78728 (Post 23533)
I hope if someone does they get small dick actors that aren't small just becasue of fat. The MTD vids are a joke becuase the women would be more disgusted by his Jabba the Hut body than his little dick.

Thank you so much for being so nice to us fat guys. Like we didn't get enough already.

Virgin4Inch 02-24-2012 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 23537)
Thank you so much for being so nice to us fat guys. Like we didn't get enough already.

It's true though. I'm pretty big myself not morbidly obese but still a lot bigger than I'd like to be and when I watch those MTD videos that's the same thought that comes into my head. That the women would turn and run just by seeing how fat he is without ever looking at his dick. These videos are obviously set up in advance and the women are doing it as a favor or being paid.

I think most (not all) women would be put off more by his obesity than the size of his dick.

Road 02-24-2012 05:55 AM

I guess we know all know what they should give up for lent or life. Burgers, pizza, Pepsi, and not exercising. I'm trying myself and it's proving to be harder than hell.

hoverfly 02-24-2012 09:31 AM

Now, if we all moved to Africa, we'd be the envy of all women. Being overweight in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda is a sign of wealth in otherwise poor countries. It is a strong statement about your wealth if you can afford to be overweight.

Tom78728 02-24-2012 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 23537)
Thank you so much for being so nice to us fat guys. Like we didn't get enough already.

I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I have no idea who on here is obsese or skinny like me. If i looked like the guy in the vids I'b be losing weight for health reasons not for pussy.

One thing you can say is teh guy gets a lot of hand jobs. But I would still like to see true small dicks in vids like that. I guy like me, 6'3", 190 lbs, with a 3" hard on would be better in my opinion.

jobleau 02-25-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tom78728 (Post 23565)
I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I have no idea who on here is obsese or skinny like me. If i looked like the guy in the vids I'b be losing weight for health reasons not for pussy.

Not all fat people can or want to loose weight. Any way, may be I'm over sensitive on that issue as I have not always been fat and hate being characterized like that.


Originally Posted by Tom78728 (Post 23565)
One thing you can say is teh guy gets a lot of hand jobs. But I would still like to see true small dicks in vids like that. I guy like me, 6'3", 190 lbs, with a 3" hard on would be better in my opinion.

Good for you. Hope it lasts. But you could get bitten too like I was. I was 5'10"/165 at age 34. I got a appendicitis that turned peritonitis and got the appendix removed. 6 months later I was at 200 lbs and up to 220 in the 2 following years. Since then it's stable. While that happened, my penis didn't change at all, so obviously the size of it has nothing to do with being fat or not. Not all fat people are fat because they eat garbage fast food. Being fat does not mean you're a bad person either. And fat people deserve as much respect as anyone else, regardless of their body or penis size.

As for small dick porn, I doubt it will ever catch on, no matter if the actors are skinny or fat.

jobleau 02-25-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 23551)
Now, if we all moved to Africa, we'd be the envy of all women. Being overweight in countries like Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda is a sign of wealth in otherwise poor countries. It is a strong statement about your wealth if you can afford to be overweight.

Africa. I thought that was an Asian trait...

hoverfly 02-26-2012 08:23 AM

No Jo, though it might apply to Asia as well, I am less well travelled in that part of the world I have to admit. It would make sense if food was scarce there and difficult to obtain for money or other reasons. As I said, if you are overweight, you are living proof of having the ressources to stretch beyond sustaining your existance, ie. you must be rich.

Obviously, as developement of African countries progresses, this will decrease, after all, being black doesn't mean you're stupid and it doesn't take much to realise that obesity is a health issue in the long run. Besides, I just love those tall, slender, dark-skinned Nubian beauties.

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