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Hi Everyone
I was wondering if you could help me... I am really unconfident, and haven't heard a girl friend in 8 years. Can anyone give me some tips on how to come across well and get a girlfriend? Thanks for your help everyone, I really need it! |
Its impossible for anyone to give good advice as we do not know anything about you.
How about a little background. Hobbies, interests, little story about you and your experiences. Your thoughts on things......feel free to add anything else. Then it would easier to look at your situaion and see if we can help. |
Yup, my advice is take risks without thinking of the consequences. See a girl you like, well then man the fuck up and talk to her. Don't let your mind get to you and think, most likely if you don't strike, nothing will change. Get her number or not you will feel better about yourself.
Try changing yourself up, weather it new a wardrobe or a new haircut. Starting working out. Gaining confidence = taking risks. Also if thats you in your profile pic it shouldn't be that tough. I would kill for a skinny body! |
Well im quite clever i guess, got myself a degree, like football films, books.
Its just whenever i walk down the street, i see so many girls i would liek to be with and when i do get a chance to talk to girls, i get the feeling that they are uncomfortable talking to me, and it never ends positively, like her smiling and twisting her hair or asking for my number |
Most girls don't ask for your number, you gotta pull the trigger. Make them feel special and wanted.
Search inside yourself, Think positive about the situation, and make your move. Everything comes from inside you. You cannot be scared. It also has to feel right. Here is a step by step, Intruduce yourself in a clever way, start some small talk, make her laugh and curious about something, get her number. REMEMBER HER NAME! I'm bad with remembering names and stuff. |
As Road said, most women are inclined to wait for you to make your move, rather then be the ones asking for your number.
Football might not be the greatest womens sport so that might not lead to much but then I may be mistaken simply because it bores me stiff. Films, well, you should have something to talk about there, also maybe whatever you have a degree in might be useful. Anything really to kickstart the conversation. Try sticking with something that you are comfortable with and knowledgable in. I think it helps not to go out of your depth, women tend to pick up on things like that. You are in London... well, if in doubt, dig up that most favourite of our topics, the weather. Everybody likes to moan about that, despite the weather in the East being absolutely wonderful most of the time. Once you've started, I am sure there will be the odd remark or two that you can pick up and go from there. Still, I do see where you are coming from. It is not easy randomly talking to women you've only just met without feeling at least a little awkward. Now, I don't suggest you try this but I used to know this guy here way back in the early 80s. He would walk into the disco at the airport and just ask the first woman at the bar 'Do you want to fuck?'. He insisted that he had a 50% success rate and that the outcome was usually either being slapped in the face or the lady in question dropping her knickers. I wouldn't know about how much truth there might be in this but then Essex isn't exactly known for its prudish females and maybe he did make his very own contribution to the large number of single mums around here. LOL What do you get up to in your free time? Sports club, nature, pubs 'n' clubs maybe? It does depend a lot on the setting I suppose. Each area of activity might be a good starting point for a conversation. I've been married for 27 years now, so this doesn't apply to me much and maybe that is in part why I am successful with women. I don't try and I don't want to try, so, no pressure, just fun chit chat. At the Essex Wildlife Trust there are a couple of very nice ladies that I talk to quite frequently. We've grown rather fond of each other, for me on a completely non-sexual level but there is always something to talk about and be it how the colony of water voles is coming along. I certainly wish you all the best with your continued endeavour. Oh, one thing... If you want a woman to smile, smile first. It's kind of infectious. |
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