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Road 04-06-2012 11:33 PM

"Small Penis Advantage" Book.
Small Penis Advantage Book, You Don't Need a Big Penis Size

Here's this new book I found. Pretty expensive, but if some dude has a pretty bad mindset and wants to do something drastic, this might be one last hope. Anyway, check out the website y'all.

hoverfly 04-07-2012 09:46 AM

Road, just looking at that website gave me the creeps and did you see the price? $69, they must be joking. Still, thanks for sharing this but personally I'd recommend you take the money and invite a lady for dinner instead. At least that way you at least get a meal out of it.

jobleau 04-07-2012 12:34 PM

Looks like that woman figured out an easy way to make money...

Road 04-07-2012 07:50 PM

ha, in her website she talks about the products companies put out at crazy prices to get insecure men to spend on. Seems like she's doing the same thing. I found another book, this is only 10 bucks. I'll just to post that here as well.

hoverfly 04-07-2012 09:08 PM

It is a simple moneyspinner. Who is going to return the book and ask for a refund? Nobody, all too embarassed about it. I remember a movie, I think it may have been 'Lock, Stock and two smoking Barrels' (if you haven't seen it, go for it, it is hilarious, though an appreciation of English humour greatly enhances the pleasure), where one of the guys comes up with this idea of selling anal dildos 'The latest and greatest in arse intrusion technology'. The idea was to send it from an obscure company whose name had nothing to do with any kind of sex but should you return the product, the cheque sent back would be from a company like 'Arse Intruders Ltd.', counting on nobody having the balls to hand that one in to his bank.

Maybe she (probably more like a he) watched that film as well.

crazy8 04-11-2012 03:49 PM

No point in spending even $10 on it. There are no advatages, and thats that. This is just a scam to make money fast while praying on mens insecurities.

Tomintown 04-11-2012 08:27 PM

looks truly terrible and every bit as exploitative as the 'add inches in days' ads that spam up my intray from ....

to be honest I'd welcome a book that did this properly, mainly hearing from other small hung guys and their experience, gay or straight.

Reckon that forums and also seeing loads of other small hung guys in yahoo groups plus the odd one down my gym has helped my own self acceptance/apprteciation more than this bullshitty book could ever do. Hope no vulnerable guys are taken in by it.

Good luck, Tiddlers Unite!


crazy8 04-12-2012 03:46 PM


odd one down my gym has helped my own self acceptance/apprteciation more than this bullshitty book could ever do
having a hard time trying to understand what you mean

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