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Road 05-14-2012 06:19 AM

Tips to be a confident man.
Big or small, if you're a confident individual, life will bother you a little less than it should. Its a key to living life, and reaching our potential. I myself don't know or have many tips but I will add what I've learned over the years.

Don't worry what other people think. Focus what's important.
Don't stress the little things.
Workout, go to the gym, take a walk or some yoga.
Smile more.


Virgin4Inch 05-14-2012 08:19 PM

Have a big dick, be rich and good looking and confidence will come looking for you. :D

Road 05-15-2012 03:05 AM

Lol you would think so. How many beautiful women hate themselves? I would say being a pretty women is just the same as having a big size. I myself try to say positive, but life gets to me and BAM...I hate myself like theres no tomorrow. This summer I'm finally going to take my advice and try everything I listed.

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