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hoverfly 07-07-2012 09:44 PM

The Olympic Torch Relay in my Hometown
Friday saw the long awaited arrival of the Olympic Torch to Southend-on-Sea in Essex. It was one of the single most amazing things I have had the pleasure and privilege to witness in this town.
Southend High Street (yes, the flame is there somewhere)

More then 50,000 people lined the streets of Southend and came to the seafront where a 2,000 strong choir performed a specially commissioned choir piece by composer and conductor Tolga Kashif. It was incredible and who knows, we might even make it into the Guinness Book of Records.

The incredible total number of spectators for the event across the Borough of Southend and Basildon amounted to 175,000.
Olympic Swimmer Mark Foster at Pier Hill

The BBC called it one of the most impressive receptions for the Olympic Flame so far. I am really proud of what the whole town achieved.

You might like to take a peek and catch an earful of the proceedings, I've added some links to YouTube and our local fishwrapper. For the non Brits here: fishwrapper = Newspaper. This dates back to the days when 'fish and chips' used to be wrapped up in newspaper, but that was before health and safety put a stop to that great tradition.
Anthem: Let Your Light Shine, was composed by Tolga Kashif

Southend Olympic Anthem: Let Your Light Shine (The sound goes funny for a short time)
Let your light shine - YouTube

BBC Look East Report (06.07.2012)
Olympic Torch Relay Southend-on-Sea BBC Report 2012 - YouTube

ITV London Tonight Report (06.07.2012)
Olympic Torch Relay Southend-on-Sea ITV Report 2012 - YouTube

Evening Echo
Crowds flock to see Olympic Torch Relay in Southend
Crowds flock to see Olympic Torch Relay in Southend (From Echo)

Live Updates: Olympic torch relay in Rayleigh, Southend, Hadleigh and Basildon
VIDEO: Olympic torch relay across south Essex (From Echo)

One thing for sure, we do know how to put on an amazing show. So, if you are ever in Essex, do drop by, you won't regret it.

We don't just have the longest pleasure Pier in the world, one of the last free Airshows, free open Air Festivals in summer, twice weekly free concerts in Priory Park and the Civic Centre, some absolutely stunning parks and gardens, the Royal Philharmonics playing in Priory Park and bands playing every Friday and Saturday night in a large number of pubs.

Near here is also Canvey Island, much despised by those who do and don't live there but there is one of Britain's largest brownsites (disused industrial site) there where in summer you can see millions and millions of orchids flowering. Who needs to travel to the Amazon jungle, when I have it on my doorstep.

The new Arts Centre has only recently been hoisted onto the end of the Pier, so sometime in the next few weeks there will start weekly programmes of music, theatre, commedy and goodness knows what else.

Oh, we still do do a Pier Festival where people dress up in Victorian dress and... well, time to have a look for yourself.

Who knows, if you ask nicely, I might even give you a guided tour.

I guess you could say I love my adopted hometown. Actually, I should really say we, my wife feels exactly the same about it.

If you want to know more... look here:
Southend-on-Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bmet 07-08-2012 06:28 AM

Hoverfly, thank you for showing the Olympic crowds in your town. Being old and my wife has a neurological disease, we cannot visit. So, find a more social couple that can and will!
At least I can place my mind to visit by your description. Please keep us informed.

hoverfly 07-08-2012 08:33 AM

bmet, if you check the Wiki page, there should be some links to webcams place on Pier Hill if I am not completely mistaken and if you search for 'Southend on Sea', there should be quite a few links popping up. I distinctly recall one about the 'Kursaal', it used to be one of THE venues here. Everybody played here. Hendrix, Procul Harum, who actually come from Southend, Dr Feelgood, lots and lots of really good bands.

Sadly, these days it is a bowling alley. Nice, but nothing like it used to be but then, London is only a hop away and competing with the entertainment offered there must be really difficult. Still, I miss the place from way back when I first lived here in the late 70s and early 80s.

I have only ever lived in one country where the Olympics were hosted and that was in '72 for the games held in Munich, but I don't recall the country going all out on a gigantic spending spree like Britain is doing at the moment. Not that I find the least wrong with that, it is something that will (fingers crossed) give people hope and a guiding light in the difficult times we are in and that can't be a bad thing.

And allthough I am not really the greatest sports fan, even I am beginning to catch the 'Olympic bug' you might say, especially when you listen to the Anthem, which I thought was truly stirring stuff.

What is rather annoying are some people commenting on articles published by our local paper. One guy went so far as to say that every Muslim on this planet was conspiring to attack the games and that nobody but white people should be allowed to participate. Now THAT is bad, real bad. That is the worst EDL (English Defence League) propaganda you can possibly come up with.

Let's face it, Britian wasn't all made great just by white Englishmen, like it or leave it, over its long history it has always been the influx of other cultures that helped put the great in Great Britain. I wish those people had a little more of a clue about their countries own history.

Anyway, once I have done the washing up, mopped up all the water in the back hallway, we've been having massive downpours here that got into the back of the house and fed the cats, I'll have a quick look if I can find those links I mentioned.

Sorry to hear about your wives condition. My wife has been suffering from both a degenerative spinal condition and a polyneuyropathy, basically the dying off of nerves. These days she can barely feel anything when touching the outside of her thighs and nobody has found the underlying cause over the past 18 years.

Anyway, nice talking to you and all my best wishes for your wife.

bmet 07-08-2012 05:45 PM

Thank you for the links and conditions.

Like you, I am not the best for sports. Basketball, hockey & tennis are boring to me. I feel that whoever gets the ball/puck up the court when time is called - wins! Football is physical and baseball and golf are time consuming for the brain to relax.

Sad that our spouses have the conditions they have. This ignores our condition! 😱
My wife was treated as polyneuropthy but did not respond to treatment. Finally, she was diagnosed with PSP. The same disease that Dudley Moore had. There is no cure, so we live out our days with support.

Even with my age (76) and mtd, I still am "horney"! This forum has helped, thank you. I have lost my concern about the size of my dick, but it is still hard to get erections. No one nearby to help, but here. I guess I have said enough about my problems, but I do want to let others know we "do feel their pain"! Time does not cure, but it helps the mind and body.

Again, I do appreciate your comments even though I live in the most liberal state (CA) on this side of the pond. I could go into my political rants, but it does not solve much. I have learned from history that it does repeat itself! Here I go again, bye....

hoverfly 07-09-2012 10:54 AM

And I am afraid I still have not gotten round to looking for the links I promissed. Had a bit of a floog in our back hallway that leads out into the garden. That and the bathroom flooded Saturday night in the torrential downpour we had and this in the driest part of Britain. But I will post them, eventually.

Ah, polyneuropathy, definitely not to be lumbered with if one had the choice. My wife has been undergoing useless treatment for 18 years now and the only thing that does help, cannabis and its legally available forms (Sativex) here doctor refuses to prescribe. Idiot. So, once a month it is then time to pay my respects to the local branch of the Mafia you might say. And to top it all off, the hospital then sends her letters saying just how much they are in favour of her continuing to use it. Sometimes I think this is all a bad dream. You pay health insurance and when you need it, you can't get it. Reminds me of an old Monty Python sketch about a 'Never Pay Police'. Really cheap. LOL

Well, best thing I can say is that the warmth in your area is probably beneficial to your wife or at least I hope so anyway.

As for the erections a 76, well, could have something to do with nature and Viagra is most likely not really an option. Really hits the heart hard and heavy. Should I ever need it, I'd give it a miss, my bloodpressure is high enough as it is and I've had one minor stroke, so there is little desire to repeat that experience, though interesting it was, I must admit.

As for political rants, don't get me started either. We have David Cameron, guess that kind of says it all.

Football, liked it till I turned 12-13 and then lost interest. Tennis, great, until the advent of Boris Becker in Germany when every moron started running around in tennis shoes, carrying a racket. These days I just love cricket and snooker. Now that is something I could go on about forever and a day but won't. I ramble on enough as it is.

So, thank you for your kind words and I do wish both of you as much health as can be achieved.

Thanks for your wonderful post.

bmet 07-09-2012 05:07 PM

I know about flooding. We had our roof off during remodeling when we had a wet Winter. Water everywhere! Good luck on your cleanup.

Life does not seem fair when diseases strike. My Wife try's to act like she did as a teenager. I found her on the floor this morning as she falls quite often. She feels like her feet are glued to the floor. Her prognosis is not good. I am feeling my age in my body: my stamina is short (pun intended), my mind is of a teenager! True, Viagra is not a good cure. Oh how I enjoy Monty Python.

Humm, Cricket & Snooker? Only our Aussie friends go there: we do not have these sports here, but the wind and desert land would prevent us from trying.

I do enjoy your comments, thank you.

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