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7cm_br 09-15-2012 12:37 AM

Read the quotes that Virgin4Inch posted makes me so sad :(

Virgin4Inch 09-15-2012 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 27756)
You didnt post that? Anyway, live sucks for us, move on and deal with it.. Hope we don't run into the ones who wouldn't deal with us.

It's best not to put too much stock in these kinds of things. I suspect there's a certain type of woman that would even bother posting an answer to a question like this. Plus I think they are referring to really small ones like 2 or 3 inches.

I can understand how they feel to a point. Women like sex too and if what the guy has doesn't satisfy them then they will be missing out. If they can be happy with other stuff he does then it's not so bad but some can't I guess. I just don't understand why so many women have to be cruel about it. If he doesn't have what you want fine just move on, why do you have to make jokes about it and ridicule him.

Road 09-15-2012 06:55 PM

It goes both ways, some men mock women on weight, small breasts, small asks etc. There will always be equal cruelty in the world.

crazy8 09-17-2012 01:14 PM

Its a cruel fucking world out there. There are much more cruel and evil women out there as apposed to nice and kind ones. Same goes for men.
People humiliate each other every second of the day, im not surprised that these women would say shit like this, its an easy target. Im sure some of them only say it to degrade men in general, women tend to do these things.

I would like to add off topic. it occurred to me recently that many women, and i mean regular women not sluts or size queens or women who just happened to have very large boyfriends in their lifetime. I mean just regular girls, they tend to prefer to get fucked by a smaller one rather then be torn apart by a huge one. mind you these girls may still think that size is important, but when it came down to having sex with one of the horse hung guys that many of us envy oh so much, or a small guy, they prefer to have sex with a small one because they do not want to be torn apart. So perhaps there lies a small advantage for us. The girl i lost my virginity to told me that she doesent want some guy to impale her until she cant walk anymore. She rather have something more passionate and tender.
Just an observation.

Road 09-17-2012 09:52 PM

Yup. Maybe we over over thinking this...then again, this is technically a SPH forum, just an observation I made.

Virgin4Inch 10-16-2012 10:29 PM

This is the kind of shit that makes me angry.

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