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Kockette 07-22-2012 12:33 AM

How having a small penis is fun
First of all, when I was a teen I noticed that , well ALL the boys had bigger cocks and frankly some had those swinging pipe dicks in the locker room that just SHOCKED me!
I remember thinking at 12, Oh my god! Is that what will happen to me? It didn't
Those big boys went on to be over confident about their ability to please a woman and became pretty sure of themselves all through High School, settling down to an early marriage and a life of selling cars or insurance. My little weenie made me feel insecure. My little weenie made me hang around women rather than men. So much so, that by the time I had finished high school, I had experienced three different times when I found my self in bed with two women. Why? Because my little dicklet wasn't in charge. My brain was.

When I went to college, I learned massage and photography, and both allowed me into a seductive world were women cooed and moaned, before a penis ever came into view. Some would even tell me that my cocklette was a bit small, not like their boyfriends, while thier boyfriend slept in the other room, while she and I had oral sex. Some girls might be disappointed that I didn't have a "big one" but most were not.. anal sex was open, and regular sex was a dance that required the whole body, not just an appendage.

Oh yes there were boys, Gay men and sometimes two at once, some big, some small, but always it was about skin, and touching and fun. I had gay men fall in love with me, spent time in bed with gay women wearing dildos fucking me like I was women, two men with one woman, two woman with me. It was ALWAYS fun, and I never went into any relationship no matter how casual or serious worried that I wasn't BIG. I wanted SEX, they wanted it, and while I didn't have the big engine, I was good at driving, and still am.

Im married to a lovely, demanding women who loves to tease me because of my small little member. I accept the twist (turning embarrassment into arousal) as part of sexualities complexity and when I am hot, almost feverish in lust, I am glad I was not born BIG and thinking that would be my ticket to women... dull, boring... same thing, same action.

Instead I am turned on by myself, my choice of clothes, her choice of clothes, exhibitionism, men as well as women, toys, bondage, humiliation, crossdressing and transexualism.... why?
Because I was born with a little penis, but a very wild imagination, developed out of a simple desire to make sure women or men who spend time with me will remember it well... where sex was not an act, but an adventure.:)

lildickydaddy 07-22-2012 01:46 AM

Good for you! I accepted quite a while back that teasing would be part of my sex life; teasing is fun, and not at all the same as humiliation.

nylononme 07-29-2012 05:11 PM

Awesome post, kockette! It gave me some things to think about. I need to re-think my whole attitude towards sex when it comes to my tiny peepee.

theteach 07-29-2012 08:11 PM

Kockette, i am following your posts with great interest. The way u take the world gives me a new perspective.

Road 07-30-2012 12:11 AM

No offence, but it's not fun as all. Lot of worrying over nothing sometimes, and holds people back in life.

Virgin4Inch 07-30-2012 02:51 AM

I wonder if putting your cock in a blender and setting it to high would be fun?

Kockette 07-30-2012 12:49 PM

Thanx argo, nylon and lildik, and road and V4.
Road, you are very thoughtful. I do feel that acceptance is important, yet for me, I know that no one accepts everything, nor can you expect that. I think its important to look beyond acceptance, even self acceptance, to action and interplay... and thats where the fun is for me.
Virgin thats an odd thing to say. Besides, I think "low" would be enough. ;)

Road 07-30-2012 09:21 PM

I hope to accept myself one day. Great that you did.

Kockette 08-01-2012 02:01 PM

Road it is hard sometimes, but really: Its your life, and your penis. When you wake up every morning there are 1000 things to do that will not be affected by the size of your willy. My issue is that teasing, small penis humiliation and this sort of exposition all are to allow the owner of le petite pene' a little "say" in how they feel. The mind can turn shame into excitement, and just as often contentment into boredom. :)

minuteman 08-03-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 27038)
I wonder if putting your cock in a blender and setting it to high would be fun?

Well obviously. It's not as if he's gonna go anywhere near the whirly bits, is it? :D

@Kockette - great post; like your style!

Attache 08-11-2012 03:35 PM

Having a little dick is great. I've always enjoyed mine, and so have lots of others.

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