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RagnarV 08-30-2012 10:22 PM

31 August ?
31 August, Lady Di death day.

Looks like everyone has forgotten the slag who got what she deserved today.

Guillotine the lot of them and give those fucking corgis to a chinese restaurant.

Road 08-30-2012 10:57 PM

I have no idea whats going on....I see youre from are the women over there on size.....

I always wonder how the women from different countries act to small sizes. which are more accepting to which are not...

RagnarV 08-31-2012 07:37 PM

Lady Di was the "People's Princess." She used to be jug-ears Prince Charles' wife before she fell foul of MI.5. She said she wanted to be treated like "an ordinary mum," that's why she was galavanting about in Paris with a drugs trafficker after midnight instead of tucking the boys up in beddy.

If she was an ordinary mum, I suppose Wills and Harry going to Eton made them ordinary schoolboys.

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