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Road 09-08-2012 01:45 AM

anything new? not with me, still looking for my confidence with women...not hating my size too much, I think I learned if you do extra and be compassionate when you have a just below average size, most women won't matter.

How has life been lately for y'all?

Road 09-09-2012 05:30 AM

yup, I was reading this comment from guy who said he had a nice Dick "We as men want a positive reaction, to our size, and I get one all the time." I been thinking about that reaction and I think its true, we do want that, sad to say we will never get one. Shouldnt stop us from being the best lovers we can be.

Virgin4Inch 09-09-2012 02:10 PM

Well I finally got some pussy after waiting 10 years. I had to pay for it but it was good nonetheless. Problem was I couldn't get hard so no fucking was involved. God I love eating pussy.

Road 09-09-2012 04:23 PM

high fucking five man.

Was it an escort? how did she enjoy the pushy eating? that really is great news, I been wanting you to get out there, I will soon. gotta focus on certain priorities first.

Virgin4Inch 09-09-2012 07:50 PM

Well she said she's never done this before but she could be lying.

Eating pussy is fantastic. Love it. She loved it too. Well she said she did anyway. She said she couldn't believe I'd never done it before. She said she had a boyfriend when she was younger and it took him four years to get to the level that I was. I guess all those years of reading and listening to what women like when it comes to oral actually paid off.

It would have been nice if I didn't have to wait most of my life for it to happen of course and it would be nice if it was someone that I cared about and was there to give it to me every day or most days at least and didn't have to pay for it. Can't expect too much I suppose.

Still she's nice and young 24 less than half my age:D and she was nice about the fact that I was unable to get hard

Road 09-10-2012 02:57 AM

if you want a legit girl friend, there are options. match, eHarmony , etc. nice job though man.

crazy8 09-10-2012 02:19 PM

Congrats Virgin4inch. I was happy ro read your story

Road 09-13-2012 10:13 PM

I would use that...but don't feel BF material, yet....

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