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Chiguy171 09-18-2012 06:45 AM

When/How to tell a girl

crazy8 09-18-2012 03:33 PM

Yeah, its best you tell her.
Also tell her about your lack of experience.
If she's loves you and is a cool normal girl, not only will she be fine with it, there is a chance she may even let you get a little taste before marriage

TheShadowNYC 09-18-2012 04:30 PM

My wife didn't know I hada small ding a ling until she seduced me. She didn't have a problem with my size and we have been matried for over twenty years. If she like YOU the size of your ding a ling dosen's matter.

Road 09-19-2012 01:05 AM

I myself wouldn't bring up, but if you do want to, its best to wait till you guys are having a long, deep talk. If she reveals a bit of herself and insecurities, you do the same. Hope all goes well. If I find myself in your shoes, I would just let her reach in and fort a nice feel when making out and hope she doesn't walk out.

bifire69 09-22-2012 09:46 AM

My wife found out on our wedding night. Yes disappointed but she then found out about the other uses a tongue has.

nylononme 09-23-2012 01:12 PM

I've always been upfront about my size with women before anything intimate occurred. To most of them, it wasn't an issue. And if your g/f is worth keeping, it won't be an issue with her, either. I always laugh about my lack of size, treat it as a joke. But as Road said, wait til you guys are having a deep discussion and she reveals something she's insecure about. Women love it when men reveal their vulnerabilities to them.

joe1257 09-26-2012 10:09 PM

I would tell a girl that I had a small penis right away. This way I would know if she cared about size and wouldnt dump me the minute I pulled my pants down.

Chiguy171 09-28-2012 04:29 PM


Road 09-28-2012 07:13 PM

It's only a "dark secret" or problem if you make it out to be. Nice girls usually don't care. Ask yourself how much does breast or ass matter to you, it's fun but not a main factor. If you really worry, look into oral and finger massages, make her feel good and love her body. Women have jway more body issue's than we think.

Chiguy171 10-03-2012 11:43 PM


Road 10-04-2012 05:08 AM

How out of shape are you? If you lose like 30+ pounds that could add an inch or two.

You should have pulled it out, ease your mind. Next time things get hot, eat her out then whip it out.

Good luck, and good night.

Virgin4Inch 11-04-2012 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Chiguy171 (Post 27795)
Hey all,

So I recently met a girl and we hit it off right away and we've been dating for a few weeks now. We are taking it really slow and haven't done anything physical yet, but I really like this girl and I can see this as being a long term thing. My question is when (if ever) do I bring up my small penis? Shes not a virgin, but she has decided that she is going to wait for marriage before having sex again. I would hate to go into this relationship long term and then drop this potentially deal-breaking news on her. On the other hand, I think given enough time, she might like me regardless of my size. What do y'all think?

Just for added information: I'm 24 and I have had a handful of girlfriends before, but none that lasted more than a few months, and none that I ever got physical enough with that I needed to worry.

are you saying you've had this handful of girlfriends and you've never had sex or gotten physical with them? I would be dying of sheer frustration by now if I were in that situation.

If you really are smaller than you're finger then she is going to be disappointed no matter how long you stall. Unless you're never going to get physical with her you're going to have to reveal it at some point. You have a choice either show it to her and get to see her disappointment live and in the flesh or move on.

Road 11-04-2012 12:24 AM

"Get to see her dissapointment" I wouldn't say she would be disappointed, if she loves him it wont matter. Not all women are bitches. Even bitches would be ok with a small size if you ate her out.

gr33nw00d 11-04-2012 04:15 AM

I just let them find out on there own & by there reaction I take it from there.

Road 11-04-2012 06:46 AM

^yup. I makeep sure to pleasure her first, that way she is happy when going down on me.

Virgin4Inch 11-05-2012 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 28279)
"Get to see her dissapointment" I wouldn't say she would be disappointed, if she loves him it wont matter. Not all women are bitches. Even bitches would be ok with a small size if you ate her out.

quote "As long as its bigger than your finger, we are fine."

that says to me if it's not as big as his finger they are not fine. Just going by what she said. Of course she could fake her disappointment and go ahead with it but the relationship will be doomed from then on. Of course if he gets to fuck her it will still be a plus.

nangatrad86 11-06-2012 08:07 PM

me.. i really wont tell coz its not a problem.. if she freaks out then right there is a sign that your relationship isnt really good... i suggest wait.. your relationship is still to young.. and your still in the phase of getting to know each others attitude.. take it slow and one step at a time.. and when a month or two or three passes then thing will heat up a little bit and by that i mean physicaly.. women who want a long relationship tend to do that.. and when that time comes i think thats the best time to tell her

P.s. like how many times ive said this on this site. girls who think a large penis matters are girls who are not good for you... there are a lot of other ways to pleasure a girl.... and sex for a girl who wants a serious relationship it isnt just physical its something more.. when the time comes.. please do more than just the missionary.. have fun and explore her..

Young1 05-24-2016 07:48 AM

I would rather all know about my small size before anything happens.
I think it's best for me and any potential partner.
Less stress, less hurt feelings, less disappointments

slipper 05-25-2016 08:27 PM

The research is clear, cocks... in general... are a "bigger" thing with men than woman. Hehehe!!! All the best!

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