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SissyLexi 10-30-2012 11:04 AM

Face Showing?
How many of you show your face in your pics?

I always show mine, it adds to the humiliation of having a tiny cock. My Twitter account also has my name and town in it so I'm easily traceable by people who know me - it turns me on just as much as it terrifies me!

glatdk1 11-04-2012 08:18 AM

I also show always head on my photo and do not mind showing me naked up on Web

bartona 11-10-2012 11:14 AM

Would never show my face on here, it's not what the site is about :>)
I wouldn't want to be recognised and choose not to for that very reason

SissyLexi 11-23-2012 10:42 PM

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Thanks for the replies guys.
I understand peoples reluctance to show faces - its something I do, but I'm not judging people who don't, each to their own.

Had an experience the other week that almost made me stop.
I started following a hot girl on Twitter who I knew but hadn't seen for about 10 years.
I didn't think she'd recognise me; she didn't know me too well, my look has changed a lot since then and I've moved away from that area, but she soon sent me a private message to ask if it was me and naming mutual friends we'd had back then.
Then she tweeted a pic of me and another girl who I hadn't seen for around the same time recognised me. They were having a converstion about me on Twitter saying how they were shocked to see me in stockings and heels using a dildo on myself and about how small my cock is.

I panicked and blocked them and was about to delete my account when I realised I had an erection and was unconciously stroking it.
While I haven't seen or spoken to the two of them, I know we still have mutual aquainces who I still see and not knowing whether or not they know about those pics thrills me.

Added an edited screengrab of the girl's timeline after she saw my pics.

puppyy69 05-24-2013 03:36 PM

I have been showing with face also, i no mind if someone see me.

hoverfly 05-24-2013 04:54 PM

With the advances made in facial recognition... not sure that is quite such a good idea.

smallballs 05-24-2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by SissyLexi (Post 28662)
Then she tweeted a pic of me and another girl who I hadn't seen for around the same time recognised me. They were having a converstion about me on Twitter saying how they were shocked to see me in stockings and heels using a dildo on myself and about how small my cock is.

I panicked and blocked them and was about to delete my account when I realised I had an erection and was unconciously stroking it.
While I haven't seen or spoken to the two of them, I know we still have mutual aquainces who I still see and not knowing whether or not they know about those pics thrills me.

How did they find the pictures?

puppyy69 05-27-2013 12:34 PM

I good luck find mistress who want use me cam and i need do also pictures and videos for she. So i need do with face, but it ok. She say want everyone see me with small dick and face also.

kevjs35 09-09-2022 08:55 AM

I show my face in a lot of pics here and other sites but usually take them down after awhile. It?s definitely is more humiliating wondering if someone will see you who knows you. I fantasize about my wife?s friends seeing me and my tiny dicklet and showing everyone

littledickwanker jay 09-09-2022 03:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
YUP what the hell, i expose everything; the humiliation sooo intensifies my chronic masturbation.

kevjs35 04-05-2023 08:34 AM

I love the thought of someone saying to me, oh my god Kevin, I have a picture of you that you posted of your tiny penis, I’ve showed it to everyone. Now everyone knows what a tiny little dick you have.

littledickwanker jay 04-10-2023 02:06 PM

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