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theteach 11-08-2012 02:54 PM

Is it a must to have sex?
Reading some post here, this quistion struck my mind. People keep complaining about being a virgin or not getting enough sex or not being able to pleasure a woman. I feel thats really stupid to do. There are so many things in life but we are focused on our dicks and only the pleasure of sex. Nobody cares about the other pleasures. I for one would love to own a yacht and sail around the world but i cant. Do i care about it though? Not a bit. Like you the folks here, there are so many things you cant reach i am sure but do u care? No. Then why do u not care bout those but care so deeply about the sex related issues? It is just something u cant get full stop. Care about the things you have and concentrate on them. You have a tiny one and cant get sex, to hell with it. You dont have a Porsche either so what?

We have things that we succeeded in having and others that we cant. Accept the fact because it cant be changed, Say this is my life and i wont get sex so i need to enjoy other aspects of life. Forget sex and enjoy life. People dont have to have sex like rabbits just like u dont have to get breakfast with champagne and strawberries.

My two cents again. Hope you agree with me.
Lots of love

crazy8 11-09-2012 03:33 PM

[QUOTE]People who complain they are virgin do so because they want to have sex. If they were happy with the idea of never having sex then we wouldn't hear a peep out of them. But if they want to have sex then they have to do something about it. Life's too short not to experience as many nice things as you are physically able. Especially if the reason stopping you is fear. That is a bad reason./QUOTE]

I second that.

And Arogzi, your right, life is full of wonderful things to enjoy. But sex happens to be one of them. If you ask me if i rather have a boat or a hot woman, i would answer that i rather have both. I know fishing and sailing is fun, but i simply would not have use for a boat if i didint have girls to take on it. I can give another example. I always wanted to travel the world. But i would never do it if i never had sex with any of the girls from different countries, or at least didint have one with me. Sex and interaction with girls in general is a big part of our lives. It makes us fit in if nothing else.

Road 11-09-2012 10:13 PM

I forgot how the saying goes, but it's something like,

"Sex and breathing are kinda the same. It only matters when youre not getting any."

Sex is vital. What I would say is more vital is female companionship. Don't live your life afraid of women because what they'll think. Bible wise, sex is only for having kids, not pleasure. Along the lines in time that changed.

Virgin4Inch 11-09-2012 11:00 PM

There are only two things in this world that would make me truly happy and I'm never going to get either of them anymore.

mouse 11-10-2012 01:43 AM


If you ask me if i rather have a boat or a hot woman, i would answer that i rather have both. I know fishing and sailing is fun, but i simply would not have use for a boat if i didint have girls to take on it. I can give another example. I always wanted to travel the world. But i would never do it if i never had sex with any of the girls from different countries, or at least didint have one with me. Sex and interaction with girls in general is a big part of our lives. It makes us fit in if nothing else.
Exactly. I have nobody to share life with. I'm very tired of being alone, lonely, and sad. I'm just plain sick and tired, of being sick and tired. I want to have a relationship before it's too late. I want to experience love, and sex as well. I want to feel cared about, and to care about someone. I want to have a reason to get up, go to work, and come home. I don't really enjoy life, and seldom ever have. A good day is when most things go right, there's not much pain, heartache, or sorrow. A bad day? Well, let's not go there...been there enough.

I'm not sure it's not already too late. I'm quite old to do any of this for the first time, and I really don't even know what exactly to do. I don't think I have much chance anyway. I'm old, worn our, fat, and ugly. I don't have any money, intelligence, education, talent, or personality. Who would want me anyway? Sometimes, many times, I wish I'd never been born.:(

bmet 11-10-2012 02:09 AM

Sex is part of life! I enjoy myself and a woman. My wife loves me, not just my "little one". We met eachother in the Sixth Grade, grew up together and were vergins when we married. After 57 years, she still loves me. As Road said, "Sex and breathing are the same....." I enjoy sex more!
Even at my age, I would like more! 😍

Virgin4Inch 11-10-2012 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by mouse (Post 28360)
Exactly. I have nobody to share life with. I'm very tired of being alone, lonely, and sad. I'm just plain sick and tired, of being sick and tired. I want to have a relationship before it's too late. I want to experience love, and sex as well. I want to feel cared about, and to care about someone. I want to have a reason to get up, go to work, and come home. I don't really enjoy life, and seldom ever have. A good day is when most things go right, there's not much pain, heartache, or sorrow. A bad day? Well, let's not go there...been there enough.

I'm not sure it's not already too late. I'm quite old to do any of this for the first time, and I really don't even know what exactly to do. I don't think I have much chance anyway. I'm old, worn our, fat, and ugly. I don't have any money, intelligence, education, talent, or personality. Who would want me anyway? Sometimes, many times, I wish I'd never been born.:(

Hey are you stealing my material:D. I swear I could have written that post. Sums up my life too.

Road 11-11-2012 08:16 AM

They sound freightenly big.

crazy8 11-12-2012 03:51 PM

[QUOTE]Exactly. I have nobody to share life with. I'm very tired of being alone, lonely, and sad. I'm just plain sick and tired, of being sick and tired. I want to have a relationship before it's too late. I want to experience love, and sex as well. I want to feel cared about, and to care about someone. I want to have a reason to get up, go to work, and come home. I don't really enjoy life, and seldom ever have. A good day is when most things go right, there's not much pain, heartache, or sorrow. A bad day? Well, let's not go there...been there enough.

I'm not sure it's not already too late. I'm quite old to do any of this for the first time, and I really don't even know what exactly to do. I don't think I have much chance anyway. I'm old, worn our, fat, and ugly. I don't have any money, intelligence, education, talent, or personality. Who would want me anyway? Sometimes, many times, I wish I'd never been born./QUOTE]

Your new here right? Look up my profile and look at some of my responses that i wrote over time. To sum them up, its pretty much this....Forget about your perception of yourself, and all the shortcomings you believe you may have. Answer one question, are you prepared to care for, and love somebody with all your heart? If the answer is yes, than your in luck my friend, everything you are looking for is right at the tip of your fingers. There are millions of women out there who simply want just that, an honest and loving companion to share their lives with. All your shortcomings wont matter to them. And besides, like you say all you need is motivation to better your life. Ill go even further. If looks and general appearance are not important to you, than there is even a wider sea of available women for you. And im not trying to be a dick by saying this, all i simply mean is not so attractive women are more likely to need and appreciate a guy like you. If you fellas only knew how many women out there would kill to have a decent and honest man at home. Ohhhh and you have any idea how horny some of these single women are? So many of them crave that manly touch, and feel of a mans body. They would not give a flying fuck what your size is.
The only sure thing is that if you never try you will in fact spend your life alone. And it does not have to be that way.

bmet 11-12-2012 05:54 PM


......If looks and general appearance are not important to you, than there is even a wider sea of available women for you. And im not trying to be a dick by saying this, all i simply mean is not so attractive women are more likely to need and appreciate a guy like you. If you fellas only knew how many women out there would kill to have a decent and honest man at home. Ohhhh and you have any idea how horny some of these single women are? So many of them crave that manly touch, and feel of a mans body. They would not give a flying fuck what your size is.
The only sure thing is that if you never try you will in fact spend your life alone. And it does not have to be that way.
Crazy8, your comments are so true! There are more women to men ratio, so the numbers do not lie. I hope those feeling inferior head your message.

Road 11-17-2012 08:06 AM

Makes me wish I did more to lose weigh in my teens. I'm not that big, but I need to shed some pounds, and I find it impossible. Honestly, my overweightness causes more grief to me that my size. And its not like I eat junk and fast food all day, I don't. I just can't find my winning forumula. At 22 years old I haven't given up hope though.

Road 11-19-2012 06:58 AM

Never give up, with women or whatever problems you face. As for women, they're human and normal just like is men. It shouldn't be that hard to strike a convo, I guess we just gotta find that confidence...somehow...

crazy8 11-20-2012 03:28 PM

[QUOTEI guess we just gotta find that confidence...somehow[/QUOTE]

You find that confidence by gaining experience. Remember 40 year old virgin?
You bang a few skanks at first and then you go on to dating, when you actually know what you are doing. Procrastination will not give you that much needed experience. Get where im going with all this?

Road 11-21-2012 05:00 AM

Yea man I see.

SliderCoaster 11-22-2012 12:03 AM

Only someone in denial who wasn't getting any would say it isn't a must

Road 11-22-2012 12:25 AM

Whoa, nice to see you back Slider

RagnarV 11-26-2012 03:26 PM

Although this should be in the jokes section, it's dead true.

A priest and a rabbi are on a long train journey together when the priest asks,
"You're not supposed to eat pork, but have you ever tried it out of curiosity?"
- "Yes," replies the rabbi, "but you, being a priest, you're not supposed to have sex, but have you ever tried it out of curiosity?"
The priest is a bit embarassed but finally confesses, "Yes."
The rabbi laughs and says, "Then you'll agree, it's a lot better than pork."

Road 11-26-2012 08:24 PM

Haha awesome.

jobleau 11-27-2012 12:32 PM

LOL! Gimme the choice between pork and a girl and I'll take the girl first, then the pork.

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