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Road 11-21-2012 04:49 AM

random question...
If you don't jerk off for a week or two, will the amount of eejaculation increase by a lot? Or would it be the same if you didn't jerk it in a span of 2-3 days. Just wondering...

crossdresser_with_tiny_1 11-21-2012 02:52 PM

it will be alot more after 2 weeks as more sperm is made and become more thicker

SliderCoaster 11-22-2012 12:22 AM

The thickness will be more noticeable than the volume

Road 11-22-2012 12:27 AM

Cool cool. I wonder how the men in Asian porn make it squirt and have a good amount come out. K wish I could do what they do.

okoki 11-22-2012 03:33 PM

stopping when they are about to cum multiple times...?

Road 11-22-2012 06:36 PM

Maybe....editing magic ftw. Your Asian correct,? I loooovveee your women.

SliderCoaster 11-23-2012 08:17 AM

Lex Steele gets to the edge real early then stays there, likely contributes to his big loads. They are kind of thin though, a side effect of extended edging.

gator1 11-23-2012 09:30 PM

I have read that shooting a long way also depends on how thick the cum is, plus how big or small the urethra and pee slit are. Large pee slit, more dribble...smaller pee slit, squirts farther. I want a smaller pee slit, lol!

RagnarV 11-26-2012 03:18 PM

When I was a kid at school we used to have contests in the school bog as to who could pee the highest. Later on in life if I wasn't inside a woman I could cum over our heads and hit the headboard of the bed.
Now I'm retired the pee just dribbles out and whatever cum I do manage to produce, it just kind of appears at the end of my dick on its own.
Fuck retirement.

Road 11-26-2012 08:27 PM

I'm 23 and I wish I could experience my youth more. I have no idea where to start though, I always use my overweightness as an excuse.

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