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joe1257 12-03-2012 11:24 PM

How do small guys stop a woman from cheating?
I was just wondering how a man with a small penis can stop a girl from cheating on him. One of the main reasons I never got in any relationships was because I always thought a girl would cheat on me because I am small.

crazy8 12-04-2012 05:15 PM

[QUOTE][One of the main reasons I never got in any relationships was because I always thought a girl would cheat on me because I am small.QUOTE]

Well then you sure got yourself a fail proof way of not getting cheated on lol

That sounds more like an excuse you made up to justify not approaching women.

hung guys get cheated on too. Rich guys get cheated on. everyone gets cheated on. There is no specific formula to this. My humble opinion is that a cheater will always cheat, if its not your dick size then they will find other reasons to do it.

PaintItPretty 02-16-2013 06:42 AM


hung guys get cheated on too. Rich guys get cheated on. everyone gets cheated on. There is no specific formula to this. My humble opinion is that a cheater will always cheat, if its not your dick size then they will find other reasons to do it.
Smart man.

crazy8 02-16-2013 10:46 PM

[QUOTE]Smart man/QUOTE]

Thank you. Good to have you back we missed you!

Virgin4Inch 02-17-2013 05:03 PM

You could always chain her to the bed. I bet she wouldn't cheat then.

PaintItPretty 02-17-2013 05:41 PM

People will cheat for many reasons, this is a fact Joe. And to be honest, men are more likely to cheat because they are not sexually satisfied than women are, or at least that's what I believe to be true. Any confident guy who knows how to treat a woman right (without being a doormat) should be able to have a successful relationship. When I look back the relationships I've been in, the ONLY thing I really remember was how I was treated. I had two long term relationships lasting about five years each and one of those guys had a small and thin penis. I broke up with him, not because of his size but because he treated me so bad.

What you said in another discussion about not being able to have sex because you're small is an excuse you've allowed yourself to accept because you don't want to face your fears and TRY. Sorry to be so blunt, I am simply tired of everyone making excuses for everything ALL of the time.

theteach 02-17-2013 11:07 PM

We dont stop them from cheating, if a woman will cheat she will. Your stats has nothing to do with it. If she started a relationship with you and she ll cheat bc of your endowment, she is nothing but a slut and she would cheat for another reason even if u were well endowed.

theteach 02-17-2013 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by PaintItPretty (Post 29437)
People will cheat for many reasons, this is a fact Joe. And to be honest, men are more likely to cheat because they are not sexually satisfied than women are, or at least that's what I believe to be true. Any confident guy who knows how to treat a woman right (without being a doormat) should be able to have a successful relationship. When I look back the relationships I've been in, the ONLY thing I really remember was how I was treated. I had two long term relationships lasting about five years each and one of those guys had a small and thin penis. I broke up with him, not because of his size but because he treated me so bad.

What you said in another discussion about not being able to have sex because you're small is an excuse you've allowed yourself to accept because you don't want to face your fears and TRY. Sorry to be so blunt, I am simply tired of everyone making excuses for everything ALL of the time.

You have refreshed my memory about why i loved chatting with you. kisses once again dear.

hoverfly 02-18-2013 03:34 PM

PaintItPretty, your above comment... just what I've been saying for years. Two of a kind one might say. LOL

PaintItPretty 02-18-2013 11:25 PM


You have refreshed my memory about why i loved chatting with you. kisses once again dear.
What a nice compliment! Thank you so much. :o


PaintItPretty, your above comment... just what I've been saying for years. Two of a kind one might say. LOL
haha Indeed. Great minds think alike, don't they? :)

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