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hoverfly 12-29-2012 11:01 PM

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year (better late than never)
Hi everybody,

After only making my way back in this direction for the first time in month', I would like to wish everybody that they had a fantastic Christmas and wish you all the best for the coming New Year.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, may all your wishes come true.


PS: Has anybody heard from PaintItPretty recently? She's not even responding to emails just now.

chevelleman 12-29-2012 11:43 PM

Glad to see you back. Ive missed your jokes and your wisdom.

jobleau 12-30-2012 01:48 PM

Welcome back Hoverfly!

Road 12-31-2012 05:58 AM

Welcome back, and haven't heard anything.

hoverfly 01-09-2013 08:57 AM

Thanks everybody, but what were you referring to Road? Something slipped my mind there? Please jog my memory.

Road 01-11-2013 04:19 PM

I meant I haven't heard anything from paintitpretty.

hoverfly 02-01-2013 10:09 AM

Thanks, Road and sorry for once again disappearing but with our new documentary forum I have been ever so busy.

Shame about PaintItPretty, she is a lovely girl and I am rather sorry to have seen her disappear into the mist both from this forum and the email scene. I emailed her a couple of times, they weren't returned as undeliverable, so I presume she is still out there in the world but kind of incommunicado you might say.

I can only hope that she is well and her problems did not amount to anything that might have made her do something silly.

Anyway, not sure how often I will find the time to log in but I will try.

PaintItPretty 02-16-2013 06:30 AM

I'm so sorry guys. I am still alive and well but I haven't signed in because I was/am trying to stay out of trouble.

Hoverfly & Jobleau: I haven't received any emails from either of you...I was wondering what happened to you guys to be honest. It's strange that the emails you sent came back undeliverable. Although on second thought, maybe that's not so strange. Do you still have copies of those messages Hoverfly?

jobleau 02-17-2013 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by PaintItPretty (Post 29421)
I'm so sorry guys. I am still alive and well but I haven't signed in because I was/am trying to stay out of trouble, but I don't really care anymore at this point. Anyone who cares to understand is welcome to message me and I'll explain. I'll be around from here on out.

Hoverfly & Jobleau: I haven't received any emails from either of you...I was wondering what happened to you guys to be honest. It's strange that the emails you sent came back undeliverable. Although on second thought, maybe that's not so strange. Do you still have copies of those messages Hoverfly?

Hey PIP. Glad to see you back. Check your PMs.

theteach 02-17-2013 11:21 PM

Pretty, u r a wonderful person for this website, pls keep posting. we need level headed people like you here.

welcome back so much that i cant even explain how much. :)

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