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SliderCoaster 02-02-2013 08:43 AM

Virgins check in
23yo virgin here, lets hear from the other virgins

crazy8 02-04-2013 02:08 PM

i was about your age when i lost my virginity

antixerox 02-09-2013 12:00 PM

22 straight virgin... Not for lack of trying... High school didn't instill much confidence in myself

sc litte dick 02-12-2013 01:52 AM

22yr virgin

crazy8 02-12-2013 02:48 PM

[QUOTENot for lack of trying[/QUOTE]

So what happens when you try? You get turned down a lot?

joe1257 02-13-2013 01:55 AM

27 year old virgin here.

blake100 02-13-2013 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by joe1257 (Post 29396)
27 year old virgin here.

same :(

mouse 02-22-2013 03:03 AM

52 year old virgin...:(

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2013 03:35 AM

Technically I'm not a virgin. But one time in 54 years ain't far away from it. Wouldn't be so bad if the one time had been enjoyable.

crossdresser_with_tiny_1 03-02-2013 11:43 PM

still a virgin with people at 27, if you have read some of my older post you would know that ive gotten anal sex from a male dog

SliderCoaster 03-31-2013 12:04 AM

Got a 19yo virgin friend who got his first blowjob recently. He is big though, above 7 and thick.
Girls reaction was, wow what a cock.
Must be nice.

Road 04-01-2013 09:43 PM

Yea. well, thats about you learn how to give mind blowing oral sex..have her fall in love with you..

Get out there...there is much more to life than sex alone, you to start experiencing it and life will pass by you in a flash and it wont mstter if you layed in misery. You will never find answers on the computer.

SliderCoaster 04-02-2013 06:59 AM

Right now I don't even mind being a virgin with porn being so satisfying.
Can always just pay for sex too, got no problem with that.

Road 04-03-2013 10:31 PM

No offense, but okay with porn instead of the real thing? Come on man..and I understand paying for sex, I would and might..but I think you should dress up and hit a bar. Look for single women.

SliderCoaster 04-04-2013 06:04 AM

Sure no offense taken since this would be the usual response.
I will stand by what I said for now, things might change later.

Road 04-06-2013 05:01 AM

Good. I understand depression, i have a mild case right now. My life just overall sucks. I have nothing to be happy about.

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