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Jayman 02-06-2013 10:33 AM

Getting close to a girl .... Then she ask how big it is....,,
I was talking to this cute girl about 6 months ago
For a few weeks,talking,texting ...etc then one night
On the phone she asked me how big my cock was. I heart
Started racing and panicked, and just told her about average
I'm actually 4.25 inches erect.

My question is what do u guys do or say In a situation like.

I will add since I have a small dick. I really love eating pussy, eating ass
Anal sex and vaginal fisting (sometimes) to compensate'

2legit 02-06-2013 10:40 AM

Usually ask how big they think it is/want it to be. but its just to change the subject so it will taper off and start talking about something else lol. what did u end up saying? u still talking to her?

LilBigMan 02-07-2013 09:27 AM

Be honest with her. Tell her the exact size. She may find your confidence appealing or hot. Your penis pride can go along way sometimes. Then rock her world with your 4.25 inches of terror!

Road 02-07-2013 10:01 PM

You should have told her.....

Enough to fill you Average, but I know what im doing and ill eat you out like no other, so dont worry, ill make you come 3-4 times.

What did she reply back?

theteach 02-08-2013 11:31 AM

i have never been asked that question and if a girl asks that, i am out. not that i will be afraid or ashamed to tell but it ll make me feel like a piece of meat and i dont respont to that well.

SliderCoaster 02-09-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by tinydickadmin (Post 29357)
Most girls have no concept of how long and inch or centimeter is.When girls used to ask me my size,rare to happen,I would tell them that I can get the job done with a smile.

Yes, most girls are terrible judges of size, unfortunately its usually on the bigger side so if you say your true size they think its smaller than it really is.

TheDizzle 02-10-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by arogzi (Post 29350)
i have never been asked that question and if a girl asks that, i am out. not that i will be afraid or ashamed to tell but it ll make me feel like a piece of meat and i dont respont to that well.

That's how I see it. I've never been asked, and I don't think I would stay with a girl if she did ask.

theteach 02-12-2013 10:19 PM

Hope u can read these answers without being a member.

Road 02-17-2013 10:24 PM

You can.

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