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TheShadowNYC 03-18-2013 05:03 PM

I notice that some guys want to be humiliated because they are small
I know that I have a small ding a ling (four inches erect) and I really do not want want anyone to make fun of my little ding a ling, I torment myself enough about being small. Before I got MS I had huge biceps but still with a small ding a ling. I humilalate myself enough

crazy8 03-18-2013 05:18 PM

Yea its strange to me too. I spent all my life hiding the misery and the pain, feeling handicapped.
But some guys love it when others make fun of it, thats something i will never be able to understand. I guess it would make life a lot easier if you are able to turn your fear into pleasure, but thats not the life that i would want, rather be dead

TheShadowNYC 03-18-2013 06:27 PM

I agree with you completely crrazy8. I would like to see your ding a ling. You've seen mine in my avitar. If you want to let me see yours I promise I won't laugh at it. You can send it in private to my emai. [email protected] I will let you see more of mine if you want to see it.

crazy8 03-18-2013 07:33 PM

Sorry dude i don't post my pics online or send them to people. I dont even have any pics of mine anyway. And sorry not interested in seeing yours either. No offense

Virgin4Inch 03-18-2013 08:51 PM

Humiliation as a fetish and true humiliation are two completely different things.

Wutty3 03-18-2013 10:43 PM

I know I have a small dick and I get reminded of it every time I pull my pants down. I don't need some jackass reminding me of it. I find it disturbing that small penis humiliation is being thought of as "normal" and "to be expected" because someone loses the genetic lottery. Like I should enjoy being made fun of and ridiculed. Not cool.

bmet 03-19-2013 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Wutty3 (Post 29792)
I know I have a small dick and I get reminded of it every time I pull my pants down. I don't need some jackass reminding me of it. I find it disturbing that small penis humiliation is being thought of as "normal" and "to be expected" because someone loses the genetic lottery. Like I should enjoy being made fun of and ridiculed. Not cool.

I agree with you. It was no fun to have my boy classmates tease me about my "needle-dick" in HS PE class showers. I enjoyed not being teased by my wife. Now, I feel like I can be around anyone due to this forum. I can enjoy my little guy without comment.

crazy8 03-19-2013 01:28 PM

[QUOTE][Any man who judges his self worth based solely on his penis size has a mental illness in my opinion and you don't need to be Einstein to see who those guys are in this place.QUOTE]

Thats is just a matter of opinion. See i think that man who enjoy being humiliated because of their disabilities and post up their pics all over internet for people to laugh at are the ones who have mental illness. But you don't see me coming out and saying that whenever i feel free.

Dude you think you put a mouth and two eyes on a pic of your dick so now your the expert at dealing with this problem. Do you understand that some guys are trying really hard specifically not to be like you and deal with it that way? Stop judging. I know i did before sometimes but i stopped doing that. You want to add some useful input, how about trying to lift the peoples spirits up and encourage something positive. Not teach them that its ok to be a laughing stock, some fucking lesser human who others point and laugh at. NOT COOL BRO!!!!!!!

jason69 03-20-2013 04:08 AM

I can respect those of you for not understanding what sph means to me. For me it's primal, I can't tell you how turned on it makes me to be put in my place by a larger cock superior. I came to terms with my small dick along time ago. There's no anger or anything more then some banter. We are all men, from birth to death our best friend will be our penises. No matter the size, or our orientation we compare ours to others and maybe not you but, some of us like the grin or underbreath giggle we get. Like so meny things this can be taken too far and hurt someone but, For me it's the start of a long stroking session with my bestfriend. If you feel someones taken it too far, always fall back to "It wont be that small when it's shoved in your mouth!" This tends to shut people up and make them think.

smallballs 03-20-2013 07:17 AM

Ive always been embarrassed about my small dick and afraid of it being found out. Ive turned my fear into a fantasy as a way of dealing with it. At least im not feeling sorry for myself and crying like you guys.

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