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TheShadowNYC 05-11-2013 05:37 PM

Mat I ask a question?
1 Attachment(s)
I like to look at guys ho have ding a lings similar to my size. Some of you guyz squirt very hard when you cum. When I cum it just dribbles out. I have never squirted in my life and I envy you guys that squirt. Does it feel betterfor a woman when one suirts inside her?

little_secret 05-12-2013 01:23 AM

Had a GF who often told me she could feel my squirts inside her. Given that I must have been a mile short of her cervix, maybe she was just trying to make me feel good. Anyway, it worked.
I'll shut up now as the feel-good question is really a woman's call (though there might not be that many in this community?)

hoverfly 05-12-2013 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheShadowNYC (Post 30416)
I like to look at guys ho have ding a lings similar to my size. Some of you guyz squirt very hard when you cum. When I cum it just dribbles out. I have never squirted in my life and I envy you guys that squirt. Does it feel betterfor a woman when one suirts inside her?

I will not comment on the female experience, as littlesecret already stated, that should be left to one of the female members here.

As for your question, there can be several reasons determining ejaculation.
1. Age. When you get older the ejaculation becomes less 'forceful'
2. The state of your PC muscle group
3. State of arousal (this than refers back to 2)
4. Medical conditions (excl. diseases)

I'll be 54 this year and looking back at say the age of 18-30, I could ejaculate so forcefully that I would frequently hit the headbord of the bed. But as time went on, it just became less and less so. I am not saying that it doesn't happen at all anymore but it is few and far between.

These days it is 4-10 inches I'd guess. Difficult to tell when you are having intercourse but on the occassions where my wife performs one of her miraculous 'handywork' on my, that would be it.

Finally, one quick comment about the female view on this, though of course only from a males perspective. During a truly heightened state or arousal or in such instances where you both climax at the same time, I would not expect a female to notice it and if she did, maybe her state of arousal wasn't as great as expected. At least looking at my wife when she climaxes, I don't think she'll be likely to notice anything much, apart from the sheer pleasure anyway. But please don't take my word for it, this is truly second hand guesswork, nothing more.

RagnarV 05-17-2013 03:34 AM

I once asked my wife how women can feel anything when you cum Inside them. She said the best way to explain it is how you feel it yourself when your nose is running.

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