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TheShadowNYC 05-17-2013 05:18 PM

Sometimes I have too much time on my hands
I was watching a video from the 80's and it was of Ron Jeremy. He has a super big dick and he was sucking his own dick. I am so jealous. I wish that I could suck my own little ding a ling.

little_secret 05-17-2013 11:25 PM

I can't get my mouth within a mile of mine. Love to hear from guys who can.
I know a woman who can lick her own clit. That is really something.

SliderCoaster 05-18-2013 05:14 AM

Yeah one more thing that clown has in his bag of tricks

hoverfly 05-18-2013 07:20 AM

For your viewing pleasure...

Here are some links to a gay blog with self fellatio content...






little_secret 05-18-2013 10:31 AM

Spectcular! Thanks for posting

kdono 05-18-2013 01:46 PM

Nice pics hoverfly

hoverfly 05-19-2013 07:28 AM

Pleased you enjoyed them, though, that being said, I wonder how much these photographs may have been photoshopped.

Still, was only fulfilling a request anyway.

TheShadowNYC 05-19-2013 02:45 PM

The pictures are great
Thank you so much for the pictures. Just looking at them made me hard. I haing wished all my life that I could suck my own ding a ling. The next best thing is to lick my wifes's pussy while she sucks my ding a ling. Thanks for the pictures and the fantasies and my ding a ling thanks you too.

hoverfly 05-21-2013 11:50 AM

Not performing oral on herself but I thought this gif was worthy of a post. Must be the single most uncomfortable position ever (even if it was fake)

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