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Got something controversial.. and may be offensive..
Hey, I’ve got something bitter to ask from you guys.
Now that, some of the physically challenged people take themselves to be losers – at least at some point of life - at least as viewed by the society – while others accept or not (I don’t see well hung guys having a forum like this discussing the issue they've been faced with), I'm just wondering is it just the end or there is a happy life for them as well. For that kind of people finding a partner is a challenge on it's own, but what happens thereafter? Children will be the same, going through the same bull***t that the parents went through. This one goes straight to the guys who had children and are going to have them future. How would you defend yourself? Is it ethical to make children? I mean, genetically, they would definitely end up being pathetic losers as we are. Any opinion? Thanks. ____________________________________________________ I’m not talking just about small organs, In my case, I’m kind of at the worst end of luck – I lack almost everything that makes a guy physically appealing – I’m not tall – not good looking besides being small down there, and begun to lose my hair as early as 27. To make things worse, I’m kind of socially awkward too, as a cumulative result of all other misfortunes. When it comes to approaching girls – they always goes like, ‘now, that guy is somewhat weird’, and thereafter they sort of avoid me. At a point, I thought ending my life even. The biggest problem I face is, a lot of things which I am, are inherent. If I make a child, he would be definitely be ending as me – being bullied by friends, not being physically fit, avoiding sports and, I’ve to face it, world is becoming more and more challenging – I’m not sure he would have a natural death – may end up committing suicide. That’s something I would be least expecting. Isn’t it somewhat selfish to make a child – knowing that most of things going to happen to him as well? I’m thinking of raising these issues because I need some expert opinion – and a little discussion. I see all the people here to be challenged somehow in life because they lack something that others get for free – you know, and been through a lot of insecurities in life. I and did not mean to be offensive, I have to apologize if I sounded that. |
What are you talking about?
I am small, my wife and I produced three daughters. Yes, daughters, not sons! I am proud of them. I do feel the hurt I endured in school. Being called "needle dick" is not fun. But, I survived 56 years of marriage and I am 76 years old. My wife and I were virgins and she has never complained about my size. i complain more; that is the reason I am here. I never contemplated killing myself. I just kept my clothes on while working and spending 10 years in the Air Force. So, all I can say is "get a life and wife", then enjoy both! |
Was there as much pressure back then compared to now with the internet, change in attitudes towards sexuality and profileration of large penis capitalism? |
I can only second what smalldik and bmet already stated.
It almost sounds like you are desperately looking for an excuse to not make contact with the opposite sex and that is something that is just going to perpetuate your purely mental issues. As for the potential genetic disorder you are speaking of, I do not believe that that is necessarily the case. There are a number of sicknesses, don't pin me down on which one it was exactly, that can lead to a restricted genital growth (either mumps or measles if I recall correctly), neither of which should have any kind of genetic outcome whatsoever. I have three daughters, one with my first wife, two with my present wife of almost 30 years and a son, sired in between the two marriages and he is taller than me and is physically as sound and fit as a fiddle. Women do not find love in measuring inches. Your life isn't measured in inches either. Success in life does not come in inches but rather through education, determination and perseverance. And there is an old but senseless saying that 'bald men make better lovers' (included for whatever it's worth). I never even had the first thought about my penis size until the first time I saw a porn movie and that took me some 20+ years of my life to get there, in fact, I had been married by that time and we had a daughter together. My then wife never once mentioned it and seeing that she was experiencing orgasms I guess made this question obsolete too. We got divorced because of my then and now unsteady lifestyle, she went on to marry a civil servant with a guaranteed pension some time in the distant future. I was in a band, giving music lessons, teaching guitar, bass and banjo. Well, being in my 20s I guess, still dreaming of becoming rich and famous in the music business. Then I moved to Britain, went to university, had far too poor grades in Germany and lived with a beautiful women for a few years. No complaints there either. Finally met my wife of nearly 30 years now, fell madly in love, hasn't changed since then, had two daughters and made it in the business world. Only once in 30 years did my wife comment on my penis size and that was (silly) me asking (silly) questions. You know, if you ask your wife after she just climaxed half a dozen times if your penis was big enough... how dumb can one get, ey? Needless to say, the question was asked when watching a porn movie. Porn should carry a health warning, can lead to pure stupidity, it certainly did in my case and that was the end of it, close to 30 years ago. A last bit of advice for you. Learn everything humanly possible about how the body works. This will be more than appreciated by a partner and seriously disguise the size of your penis. One New Years Eve my wife told a friend that I was the best lover she ever had. Had I still had any doubts about my size then, they would definitely have dispersed into thin air on that day. One final word regarding a somewhat offensive part of your original post... Quote:
Thanks for all the replies, This is exactly why I started this thread here. This is a place of knowledgeable people - people who take care of other. Otherwise, I could've written this to a cheap porn site.
When it comes to me - penis size is not my major problem - actually it haven't been an issue until recent. What makes me feel bad is that I'm kind of short person - 5 feet an 2 inches height, weighing only 50 Kg. I haven't done any sport at school. I was always beaten by other guys in junior school. And sometimes, I got bullied harshly. Recently at university - One guy, who turned to be one of my best friends - mocked me openly in front of gals - due to my appearance. One girl even compared me with a cheap local comedian - who made fun of himself doing some third grade stuff. You know, its a bit hard to coping with this kind of situation. And the last thing I would imagine is all these thing happening to my children. Knowing all these things being genetically inherited to my offspring makes me think twice about making children. Most of people have only one issue in their life - small organs, getting bald, short posture, bad appearance. when it comes to me, I seem to get all of that.. That's why most people don't seem to understand it. Recently, One person told me that small people like me (referring to body height - not down there) work hard their way up - to professionally high ranks- just to save themselves from getting bullied. I think, that man is right. That's exactly what happens anyway. Weaker being the prey of the stronger - that's what happens in nature. And I believe life has at least something good to offer - otherwise, it isn't worth the effort that goes into keep it living. Thanks again for replies.. I see some great input from people who've been through life... I needed their opinion - pushing right up to the limits. That's why I've put it that way. I'd love to see more opinion going into this. |
OK, I must comment about your genetic issue:
It is not true that your small penis follows through. I have learned that my male Grand-children have normal penises. So my size is not reflected with them. Since comments here are straight, I should make one more comment. While in high school and into my twenties, maybe thirties, I would have an erection most of the time. This hindered wearing my pants without undue protrusion that caused me embarrassment. How to explain,is not easy? I think most will understand. At least, I hope. Now, I am lucky to get an erection. But, that's life! |
You ever thought about helping yourself? Start going to the gym, pump some iron, and get some confidence. As small men, we gotta work harder at everything..women are attracted to confidence, but you won't get some if you do nothing for it.
Salmonpink, this part of your post I found rather intriguing...
Maybe that is why I as a short dicked, overweight, 5'7" something aimed at making it to the top as a musician. Rich and famous and all those groupies, can't be bad. LOL Only goes to show that size, regardless of what part of you you apply it to, really doesn't matter. Women find success sexy, very sexy indeed. Beats a fast car any day. A successful person is a good provider, very important in life, even today. But the most important thing has to be self esteem. I know, easier said than done, especially for someone already feeling 'inedequate', regardless of the underlying cause. I know that I have been told by some members that I made this suggestion to that visits to a psychologist would not help them. I disagree with this viewpoint. If you are willing and able to open up completely in his/her presence, these people are trained to help you, using all the tricks in the book, to overcome at least part of your self esteem issues. But as I said, it does require a certain amount of belief in the mind over matter principle and your ability to truly open up, something that some never achieve, after all, it is of a very intimate nature the relationship between patient and psychologist. The alternative is finding help and support from your friends, true friends of course. I don't know where you come from but at least at the moment you can still get a referral from your GP (should you live in the UK) to a psychologist, who knows how much longer for with all the things our wonderful elected leaders are doing to the NHS. Even some churches will be able to help you, at least those that have what I'd call a more sensible and practical approach to life, ie. those that do not demand that you seek help solely in prayer. No offence to any member of a different beliefsystem intended, this is purely personal opinion. Here is a link to Wikipedia's article about Alfred Adler, you might like to read that when you have a moments time. Wikipedia: Alfred Adler Right, enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend all of you, I'm out of here for some minor fun in the sun. |
There are those who can help... may I respectfully suggest professional help. As a retired professional, I have seen many who have felt awful, yet find reasons to live and experience life otherwise. DON'T suffer alone! Get help... please!
Once again, can't appreciate enough how considerate you guys are -with all that time taken to put together long replies. Thank all
Regarding the councelling, I actually had been to a counsellor early this year. It worked so well that I was pretty sure that I won't be down again. However, that turns the other wary around from time to time, particularly in negative situations, when I'm losing bidding a project etc. For me what keeps me from sorrow grief etc is to have my self occupied in something else, for ex, I would start working on another project. I'd love to hear you experiences..
Just as one gets a cold or the flu and treats it, one can have recurring emotional issues... not a disgrace and nothing out of the ordinary. We eat and get hungry again. We pee and go again... so, who says that if we get down and get up... that we mustn't have other down times?
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