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SPH_plz 06-17-2013 03:26 AM

Taylor Bow Vs Heather Harmon
I'm surprised this has never been talked about before. I've looked it up and no such question exists. Who's dick is bigger? Taylor Bow's man or Heather Harmon's ???

Here is Taylor Bow's man:

Here is Heather Harmon's:

It's tough to tell. Let's hear the opinions!

hoverfly 06-17-2013 07:05 AM

Don't know, don't care you might say all I know is the first clip is about as bad a blowjob as it gets. Straight forward bop and suck, no technique, no fantasy and no clue about male anatomy. Besides, what really puts me off is guys getting a blowjob only to finish themselves by masturbation. Never managed to figure out what that might be in aid of.

The second one isn't much better, though at least the chap doesn't end up wanking.

Don't get me wrong, I am not putting those clips down in general, it's just a personal preference of my own.

As for the size, porn actor average you might say. Nothing that concerns me or my wife much.

SPH_plz 06-17-2013 09:14 PM

Yea, it does ruin it when the guy strokes at the end.

Still a tough call. What do other people think about this comparison?

SliderCoaster 06-17-2013 11:01 PM

Heather's guy is probably bigger

SPH_plz 06-18-2013 04:44 AM

SliderCoaster: why would you say that? When I see the videos, its very hard for me to tell.

and small dik, don't you think there's a reason why the guys in the videos are getting that kind of action while this guy is doing this:

hoverfly 06-18-2013 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by SPH_plz (Post 31101)
don't you think there's a reason why the guys in the videos are getting that kind of action while this guy is doing this:

SPH_plz, I know your question wasn't intended for me but never mind... You are mistaken with your statement. There is one very simple answer as to why porn actors need to have a large penis and this is the demands of the director and the camera angles used. Even a guy with say a 5" penis might have problems not slipping out of his partners vagina, especially when having to perform at 90° angles. This isn't necessarily because the script writer was obsessed with huge penises but simply because making the action visible sufficiently requires the male to frequently stand back to let the camera have full access.

As for the guy in the video clip you posted, now that's cheating a bit really. The guy is sitting, as well as having a small penis but the sitting position will not allow all of the penis to extend and become fully visible anyway. If he lost some weight, stood up, things might actually look a little different and he may turn out to be well over the stated 3".

SliderCoaster 06-19-2013 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by SPH_plz (Post 31101)
SliderCoaster: why would you say that? When I see the videos, its very hard for me to tell.

Just from looking Heathers looks to have greater girth.
Same thing for length really. POV/side angle doesn't reveal much difference.
Comparing the womans hands to the size, I would think the same thing.

Porn average would be less than 8 since Steve Holmes and Keiran Lee for example are no bigger than 8.
Any time they talk about anything 10+ they are lying, except maybe for guys like Mandingo, not sure about him.

Kylttt4 09-22-2013 04:08 PM

heathers guy for sure

Mondo 10-16-2013 12:20 PM

His gotta very nice little dick though ;)

Sixincher 10-19-2013 08:53 PM

Why are women moaning in ecstasy when the guy is pulling himself all over her face and there is zero physical contact.

kdono 10-23-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sixincher (Post 32577)
Why are women moaning in ecstasy when the guy is pulling himself all over her face and there is zero physical contact.

Acting! ;)

Sixincher 10-25-2013 08:53 PM

Roll out the Academy Awards then...

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