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glowplug 08-03-2013 07:52 PM

She's hairy; he's not
I have kept my genitals hair-free since it started growing in high school, yet my wife sports a full bush, as have all my previous girlfriends. All liked my hairless little peter, even tough this was in the 70's when everyone but me had a bush. I especially liked the feel of a soft bush against my bareness. Do any of you hairless guys have wives/gf's with full bushes?

Sixincher 08-03-2013 10:11 PM

My wife varies between bikini line and Brazilian style "landing strip" which she knows I much prefer. She refuses to shave it all off because she thinks its a bit pervy/ paedo. I keep my balls shaved permanently becasue I like the look and feel and she likes to take both my balls in her mouth at the same time but only with a smooth scrotum.

kdono 08-04-2013 04:47 AM

I don't like much pubic hair on myself or my gf

little_secret 08-04-2013 10:04 PM

I'm hairless apart from a small patch above my dick. GFs/wives ahave always been hairy, and whenever I could decide, untrimmed.
A woman's pussy hair helps capture her natural scent. Love burying my face in it.

london_insomnia 08-05-2013 04:25 PM

My wife is hairy, I am hairless. In fact I my wife shaves me quite often. It works for us. Love it when she makes a few demeaning comments, like I asked that 'does my cock look bigger now it is shaved?', her response was 'not really'. Great, and she didn't even realise.

Your Smallness 08-06-2013 07:56 PM

I prefer being shaved. Just gives me a cleaner feeling and also more sensitive around the scrotum. I guess I like women both ways. A big hairy bush can be very sexy on the right body, but then again bare vulvar lips are pretty stimulating. I guess I like a women riding on top who's shaven...better visual :)

kdono 08-07-2013 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Your Smallness (Post 31803)
I prefer being shaved. Just gives me a cleaner feeling and also more sensitive around the scrotum. I guess I like women both ways. A big hairy bush can be very sexy on the right body, but then again bare vulvar lips are pretty stimulating. I guess I like a women riding on top who's shaven...better visual :)

Yeah that's what I like about shaved women, the visual, I like seeing all the details of their love box

mikebear 08-09-2013 05:13 PM

Both my wife and myself are hairy but trim. I prefer it that way. I know I'm in the minority but I don't like a shaved pussy, I think of little girls and go soft. It makes it hell on looking at pornagraphy - thank got for retro porn.

SmallDickTricks 01-08-2015 03:47 AM

My wife loves me shaved no hair in her teeth when she swallows my little cock and balls at once.
And I love her bushy even though she has shaved a few times.

Cucky 03-05-2017 08:16 AM

Personally I shave myself and prefer girls that trim their pubic hair

zed_s 03-07-2017 03:43 AM

I love my gf's bush. Makes her seem really womanly, and not a teenager (she's 35).

What sucks is that she hates her bush, so she keeps it trimmed. I can't say I mind when she let's it go, though.

minuteman 03-08-2017 03:31 PM

I trim a lot and shave in the summer (for the beach). My mrs. has a nice full bush though. I like the contrast in porn sets, where it is becoming quite normal to see shaved guys with bushy gals.

jimboys 04 tiny dick 04-19-2017 07:27 PM

ladies please dont shave i love a hairy pussy for my tiny cock to hide in please please leave he bush on thanks :)

jimboys 04 tiny dick 04-19-2017 08:20 PM

come on ladies lets see some nice hairy bush ,i love them all big,small,tight ,slack ,so come on girls lets see some hairy pussy so i can jerk myself off

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