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TheShadowNYC 08-09-2013 01:21 PM

Does anyone have a wife or girlfriend who hat a pussy too tight for his ding a ling
Sometimes my wife and I joke that a guy with a huge ding a ling must pass oute when his ding a ling fills with blood. Her pussy is too tight even for my little ding a ling

Your Smallness 08-09-2013 05:14 PM

LOL! Never been with a woman who's pussy was to tight for my little dick. On the contrary, I have been with big women (not necessarily fat, just large women) who I had to get into a good position so I could stimulate their g-spot. Usually that meant having their legs over my shoulders and riding really high. But with enough oral stimulation first, they were usually able to cum. I don't know if their vagina was stretched from being with other men with large cocks or if they were just born that way. Either way, it worked out great. BTW, my small size does seem to be perfect for anal sex.

kdono 08-09-2013 06:35 PM

Nope, my gf is "hung" lol

microbb 08-11-2013 09:47 PM

When I was 30 I started dating a 23 y.o. virgin. She was skinny, very small tits, glasses, very shy, kind of a nerdy-intellectual type. Not pretty, but very kind and sweet. It took like 4 months until we had sex. And she was so tight that my 4-incher was too big for her. For a long time (we were together for a couple of years) I had to be really patient and slow to penetrate her, because she was so tight that it hurt her. She really loved sex, but I had to be careful and smooth. I broke up with her and now she married a fat guy with a 3-incher (it's a long story how I know he is a 3-incher, but I know it for a fact). Anyway, she's with this guy and they had a daughter together. We're still Facebook friends and it's clear they love each other. So yes, there are women who are so tight that they love small dicks.

bmet 08-12-2013 05:18 AM

I can understand this. Please see my post:

What 02-01-2016 07:57 PM

I am only about 5in but I bottom out in my gf all the time

slipper 02-02-2016 04:52 AM

My wife is pretty loose and I like it that way. Gives me (and my copious foreskin) room to move around, but when she cums... everything tightens down!

TinyClitLoser 02-24-2016 02:30 PM is hard for me to reach but sometimes its like her pussy is saying no to my clitty and not letting me in.

nangatrad86 05-09-2016 05:04 AM

The vagina is an incredible thing... it can accomodate almost anygirth.. its stretches and contracts.. and love it more when they know how to control the muscle

Cucky 03-04-2017 03:42 PM

Never had a girl too small, lol.

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