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scottoline_reader 05-20-2009 05:34 PM

Where do we find the tiniest penis?
According to this magazine, the South Koreans have (on average) the smallest dicks in the world. Hey, with all due respect to any South Korean reading this, don't shoot me. I am just the messenger. What do you think guys, is this believable?

I_love_tiny 05-20-2009 05:51 PM

Surely in Asia. Wherever it may be.

I_love_tiny 05-20-2009 05:54 PM

I do not think we can go by race or country. Look at it this way, the best basketball players may come from the US, but the single tallest individual would probably come from another country.

Who knows? The tiniest penis in the world may come from the ranks of the Afro-Americans?

huge_pecker06 05-20-2009 06:35 PM

Well said, I_love_tiny. Good points raised.

ceo_joneys 05-21-2009 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by scottoline_reader (Post 517)
According to this magazine, the South Koreans have (on average) the smallest dicks in the world. Hey, with all due respect to any South Korean reading this, don't shoot me. I am just the messenger. What do you think guys, is this believable?

I asked a neighbor about this, and he exploded. I was sure that he is pure American, so I was really perplexed by his reaction. (I did some investigating and it turned out that his ancestors- although not South Koreans- came from that part of the world). Jeez, he should not have gotten mad, what was he thinking? That I was referring to his four-generations-up ancestors?

ceo_joneys 05-21-2009 12:51 AM

He probably won't talk to me for a year.

lildickydaddy 09-27-2011 11:57 PM

I live in S.Korea; and though I've noticed that maybe most Koreans tend to be shorter than the Western average, they're not that much shorter, and usually have pretty good girth. For sure mine is still the thinnest I've seen.

Best to all,

hoverfly 09-28-2011 12:44 PM

I too don't think that there is any credible evidence for South Korean men being the least endowed on the planet. How would a scientist go about establishing this? At a rough guess I'd say, 90% of all men would flatly refuse to be measured, leaving you with 10% of the population at best. I guess this is another statistic that you could interpret one way or the other but it will be most useful in South Korea when you try selling your useless penis enlargement products.

Does that mean North Korea men have bigger penises then their fellow countrymen across the border? Hm, would surely give Kim Jong Il a feeling of superiority. LOL

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