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TheShadowNYC 09-05-2013 01:26 PM

Does it feel god to masturbate with a foreskin
When I was nine years old I got a condom and I cut the tip off so that I could put the condom on my ding a ling and pretend that I had a foreskin to masturbate with. you can see that I don't have a foreskin but one can pretend.

Your Smallness 09-06-2013 06:15 PM

My, what an early starter you were. I've wondered myself what it would feel like to jack off with a foreskin. It would seem it would just be in the way off my most sensitive spot, but who knows?

Smallasian 09-07-2013 12:58 AM

I started playing with myself at a young age myself probably around the TS's age or a 1-2 years younger. I been uncut all my life so for me it left the head very sensitive even directly touching it is hard on me and prefer having my foreskin over it. As for feeling good would say so allows me to jerk myself off as long I have the foreskin over the head. I cum a lot sooner and pleasure wise feels great since the skin was meant to be there naturally just a cleaning health concern or religious reasons to lose it.

Sixincher 09-07-2013 02:23 AM

It is very nice to fondle your helmet through them membrane.

Your Smallness 09-07-2013 07:37 PM

So I guess you guys with a foreskin can last longer when the foreskin is pulled over your head. Does anyone know where one can get a foreskin transplant :)

Sixincher 09-07-2013 08:56 PM

But for most people your foreskin retracts automatically when you get wood. I dont know about "lasting longer" because the common view is that circumcised men are less sensitive because of frequent contact of the knob with other surfaces so they last longer. As for foreskin transplants, do they exist? I know some cut guys on here have had some success with stretching the remaining skin.

Your Smallness 09-08-2013 09:06 PM

Just kidding about the transplant. As you can see from my pic I don't have much left to stretch. I've seen some guys jacking off on here and their foreskin is around their head even while they're cumming, so I just assumed it was always there. I don't think I'm less sensitive being circumcised, although everyone is different. My "male g-spot" is just to the left of my frenulum, so it really doesn't get much contact unless I want it to. Anyways, thanks for the info.

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