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TheShadowNYC 10-06-2013 03:19 PM

I hope I am not offending anyone but WHAT DO YOU CALL YOUR MALE MEMBER
My wife started calling my penis a ding a ling and I thought she was making fur of me but when i heard her sister call a man's thing a ding a ling I realized that she wasn't laughing at me. What do you guys call your guy stuff? if I may ask.

turtle74 10-06-2013 03:40 PM

I refer to mine as my "Cockette". My wife's name for it is the "Little Guy".

TheShadowNYC 10-06-2013 04:03 PM

that's cool turtle

JismJim 10-06-2013 04:51 PM

Button...after Benjamin Button

SmallDickTricks 01-07-2015 10:53 PM

When I was young and thought I was hung I called it Moby Now I just call it my winkey .

ElAngelo 04-30-2015 01:46 AM

I used to give it names all the time, when I was younger, but not anymore currently :p

chevelleman 05-01-2015 01:22 AM


Bodydismorphia 05-01-2015 11:24 AM


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