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bmet 10-06-2013 10:26 PM

Testicle size & good parenting

See, there is hope for this group!

Sixincher 10-12-2013 12:06 AM

Well I must be a great parent because my nuts are tiny. I am wondering about the testosterone part because my nuts have always been small - each is about the size of a cherry and my tight scrotum has them drawn up close to my body which may account for my very low sperm count. I would love a big pair of danglers.

bmet 10-12-2013 01:45 AM

Mine dangle, but I have three daughters. I was told the girls were due to my stress. If not under stress, I might have boys? Humm.

bmet 10-12-2013 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 32514)
sounds like bullshit to me

You seem to have a miserable life! I feel sorry for you.

sc litte dick 10-12-2013 12:19 PM

I've been told I got big balls an I'm good with kids

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