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mrsstoutman 01-26-2014 08:46 AM

Alone and sad tonight and thought of here
Hello to all. I am mrsstoutman. My husband and I used to get on here alot while he was alive. It will be two years in March since his passing, I dont know how many around back then are still here but the official condolences thread is so you may have read it. Plus his annoying twin brother may be around at times. But I was feeling alone and could not sleep when I thought of this place and what it meant to him. I would like to say now that I will staying around much more frequently as I seem to be the only girl left standing. (Just dont overload me with too many PM too quickly so I can ease back into it.

tradus 01-27-2014 12:01 AM

Im sorry you lost your husband:(
It's good to know there are some women on here. Also its good to know there are some women who enjoy small penises. Im glad you're sticking around, and again i am sorry for your loss.

mrsstoutman 01-28-2014 05:39 AM

Thank you. We are doing good. I just cant believe its almost been two years.

stubby 02-04-2014 04:53 PM

Just say the word sis and I'll be up there! I grew out my beard and I habe gained weight so I don't look like him as much anymore.

cutsmall 02-05-2014 12:52 AM

I always enjoyed his comments and posts here on the board. I did not realize it had been almost 2 years. It's great to hear that you both enjoyed visiting here together.

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