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picker 02-17-2014 03:03 PM

Full physical examination
I have to go to the local medical centre, for a full physical exam by a pretty milf nurse. I've shaved all my pubic hair - hoping she'll ask why - and very much looking forward to anything she may say, or any facial reaction, when she sees my tiny cock.
Anyone had a similar experience? If so, what was said when the nurse/doctor examined your cock & balls.

kdono 02-17-2014 06:13 PM

I've had physical examinations before, medical workers have seen it all and they know to be professional. I doubt much else will happen other than getting an examination.

Virgin4Inch 02-17-2014 07:52 PM

I went for a physical once. She was a gorgeous young Russian nurse named Ivana Strokitov. When i pulled my pants down and she saw my tiny dick she called all the other nurses into the room and they were all laughing and calling me names little Mr Teeny Weeny. They made me lay on my back and they all took turns in riding my little stiffy.

Then I woke up and realized I was late for work.

kdono 02-17-2014 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Virgin4Inch (Post 33847)
I went for a physical once. She was a gorgeous young Russian nurse named Ivana Strokitov. When i pulled my pants down and she saw my tiny dick she called all the other nurses into the room and they were all laughing and calling me names little Mr Teeny Weeny. They made me lay on my back and they all took turns in riding my little stiffy.

Then I woke up and realized I was late for work.

lol nice dream, I'm thinking picker is hoping something like that might happen with his exam

nogirth 02-18-2014 08:22 PM

I had one once in front of a mature doctor. My little cock was just sitting on top of my balls for her to see

stubby 02-19-2014 09:00 AM

My nurse practitioner girlfriend gives me full medical exams as often as I can handle her to!!! ;P

busty 02-22-2014 01:29 AM

Not to your face, no. However, when they are back together they will tell stories of what they have been through. Even though I have am the NICU nurse practitioner mentioned above, I have been a regular nurse in the ER. I have put catheters in all sizes of penises from new born to one that was nearly 10 inches hanging soft on a 90 year old guy who was no longer mentally there.

The point is that if he wants the fantacy to come true so what, leave him alone lets not be critical others. I am sure he knows the difference.

stubby 02-22-2014 07:32 AM

But small_dik your a guy, females nurses wont talk the same or about the same stuff to you as they would the other female nurses. Most guys arent going to talk about a patients dick for fear of being called gay, especially if they are single. Since I am bi and open about it, I have been in on some of those conversations myself.

stubby 02-26-2014 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 34287)
Sorry but that's total rubbish, and it's not something I can explain to you as you're not a nurse.

Why is it rubbish? Just because you have never had that kind of discussion in your 20 years or places of occupation doesn't mean others haven't, thats a bit illogical to assume. Also do you even know my entire work history, degrees, locations of work, or anything else other then the few slices of my life I have shared on here? I HAVE been a part of those kind of discussions many times as the others around me have asked questions about all sorts of things sexual because they all knew of my orientation and experience.

It does not mean it was right, but since when does that prevent its occurrence?

stubby 02-26-2014 06:39 AM

None taken I just dont think you can use just your experiences as a guide to what ever nursing situation is. And who says I am not, nor ever have been a nurse? I earned my first bachelor's degree before most people even graduate from HS. I have three of them now plus two masters and a PhD. I have worked as a teacher, a NURSE, an xray tech, a respiratory tech, a professor, a business owner managing temporary placement of nurses covering counties in four states, and it continues.

I really dont like showing off but you know nothing about me so agreeing to disagree and falling back to the little you have said does not say much.

However, for the guy whow posted this thread to begin with, sorry it got hijacked. I am sure you know its fantasy, but fantasy is fun to dream about!

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