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Virgin4Inch 02-21-2014 07:09 PM

Want to know how women really feel?
go to where they feel safe and can speak the truth.

Worst Sexual Experiences! - CafeMom

Of course it's not just the small ones they detest, if you can't get it up or shoot your load too quickly they have equal disdain for you.

At least it gives them something to joke about.

nogirth 02-21-2014 07:59 PM

Yeah it's obvious the girls dislike little cocks like ours

busty 02-22-2014 01:02 AM

Those few posts by just a few women DO NOT count for the entire genders opinion!!

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2014 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by busty (Post 34199)
Those few posts by just a few women DO NOT count for the entire genders opinion!!

I didn't say they did but when a question like that is posed and a majority of the women who answer have the same opinion then one can extrapolate from that that the majority of women in the world would feel the same.

It's a website for moms not "Women who hate small dicks". It's just ordinary average women.
I've seen the "worst sexual experience" question come up before in other forums I've been a member of and more often than not "his dick was so small" is the most common answer.

It doesn't have to be all the women of the world to have an effect on guys. Not all men like or are fascinated with big boobs but many women feel they are. It only takes a small percentage of guys to make comments about it to make women feel insecure enough to pay $1000's to get bigger boobs and boobs are even a sexual organ. No man has ever said "I had sex with this woman last night and her boobs were so small I left unsatisfied"

stubby 02-22-2014 07:23 AM

I actually find fault with a lot of what you are trying to say in your last post virgin4inch and not just because you oppose the post my sexy girlfriend! I read through the several pages of posts and it was not a majority of posts where the woman complained becaused he was too small. Many were just the same people. Most complained about guys who could not perform correctly, whether its from being too small, too big, too fast, too slow, etc. Most of which was how they performed period.

And I have heard A LOT of guys say they where unsatisfied because of the size of her boobs, because bras can be padded.

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2014 06:22 PM

25 different women complained about the penis being too small. Some others found their stories funny but didn't complain about the experience themselves.

12 complained about premature ejaculaters or cumming too quick

5 or 6 complained about it being too big.

a few incidents of vomiting (him and her)

the rest were weird shit happening of various types.

Only two women made comments about size not mattering and it what he does with it. Although one of those women posted these two posts.

"Hate to admit it, but small penis doran (sic) not always equal bad sex. The best lover I ever had was the second smallest. It's all how you use it"

her next post

"I had sex with a guy who was a virgin. We used a condom, but I had to see it to have proof...he was so small I could hardly feel it! It also lasted like a minute. We worked on it, but he never lasted long. It was all the worst!"


Originally Posted by stubby (Post 34212)
And I have heard A LOT of guys say they where unsatisfied because of the size of her boobs, because bras can be padded.

I call bullshit. In my 55 years I've never heard a guy complain he wasn't sexually satisfied because her boobs were too small. You can tell how big a woman's boobs are regardless of padded bras. They don't make THAT much difference.

stubby 02-22-2014 11:16 PM

So in your 55 years of experience we should be in awe of and know that what you say is the be all end all of sexual knowledge? How many guys have YOU been with? How many women have YOU been with? I personally passed beyond twenty of each before I finished HS.

And the gel pads CAN increase cup sizes by two levels, I know I have worn them. And during my earliest sexual encounters the girls were small and it did not keep me turned on enough. Its part of the reason I went fully gay for awhile, until I realized it was boob size that turned me on the most.

I think you just cant get beyond it in your own head, so that is what you find. It sad

Virgin4Inch 02-22-2014 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by stubby (Post 34226)
So in your 55 years of experience we should be in awe of and know that what you say is the be all end all of sexual knowledge?

I don't remember saying that.

If being disappointed with the size of women's breasts was so prevalent I think I might have heard at least one guy say it by now. I was in the Navy for 10 years and got to be around 100's if not 1000's of guys and don't remember anyone making that claim. If a guy has a problem with a girls breasts it would suggest to me he's gay which you seem to be.

I'm not saying there aren't guys who prefer large breasts I just can't believe that even one of those guys who went to bed with a woman who had small breasts and got to fuck her would come away unsatisfied. You would have to be one seriously fucked up individual for that to happen. I'm pretty sure the vagina of a large breasted woman doesn't feel that much different than the vagina of a small breasted woman.

There are far too many things about a woman's body (a vagina being the most obvious) that would turn me on and leave little chance of me walking away unsatisfied irregardless of what size her breasts are.

stubby 02-23-2014 12:54 AM

I was referring to your calling bullshit and then citing your age of 55. This came across to me as you feeling your knowledge if better and greater.

As far as me being messed up, hell yeah!! I am! And proud of it.

Everyone has their own sexual preferences. Since you claim some knowledge of this due to knowing all those sex deprived sailors, then yeah they would all glad for a warm body and a wet hole, everything else is incidental.

For me I never have been sex deprived once I started having it I could always get it. Sometimes seven different guys or girls a week. So that is where I am coming from. So yes I have learned I am not satisfied having sex with small breasted women, just like I hate getting fucked by dicks with dicks over 7 inches, it hurts and they are too cocky (yes pun intended).

Virgin4Inch 02-23-2014 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by stubby (Post 34230)

everyone has their own sexual preferences. Since you claim some knowledge of this due to knowing all those sex deprived sailors


Virgin4Inch 02-23-2014 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 34231)
The guys who have never had sex always think they know more about it than everyone else.

I've never claimed to know anything about it. We're not talking about sex we're talking about human psychology.

Some real assholes on these forums these days. I remember when this used to be a decent place to visit.

stubby 02-23-2014 03:46 AM

I am just wondering what your basis is for your statements? I just dont understand why you have made some of the comments on this thread. Everytime I bring up knowledge and experience you bring up something in response, first it was your age, then serving with all those sailors. Each time I connected your statement as being this assertion, if I am wrong I am sorry, but that is how it appeared to me. I have not gotten emontional or worked up about this but it appears you just want to belittle anyone who disagrees with you, or atleast just me then. Again I apologize if I have misinterpreted your intentions with this thread that you started.

I'll leave you to it.

Virgin4Inch 02-23-2014 05:05 AM

I have enough people in my life that make me feel like shit I don't need to come here for more.

Go fuck yourself

I'm out.

stubby 02-23-2014 06:42 AM

Oh, ouch I'm bleeding... sorry just had to be said.

mrsstoutman 02-24-2014 06:37 AM

That was .... interesting... I think?

Virgin4Inch 03-05-2014 06:00 AM

Lily Allen's Mission to increase suicide among boys - YouTube

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