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Old 05-02-2014, 01:39 AM   #1
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Default Women sharing thoughts on small/large penis experiences

Women of reddit, what was your experience with either a very large or very small penis? : AskReddit

Looking through here, a common problem with small guys is that they are too insecure to have a good time

Few quotes

I posted a while back about dating a guy with a micropenis. For a while he avoided sex, which made me believe he wasn't sexually attracted to me. Really, he was just embarrassed by how small it was.

The actual sex was terrible, but I think a large part of it centered on his lack of confidence. He kept apologizing, then going soft, then slipping out, and it was just stressful sex. I think we still could have had fun if he had not gone into it thinking it was going to be a failure.
I've never dealt with a micropenis, but I did deal with one that was not much longer or girthier than my pinky. My experience with the dude's personality was much worse than with the dick - I think he was really self conscious about it, so when we were fooling around he would say things about how big his cock was and ask me to beg for his big dick... it was kind of awkward because I think we both knew it was smaller than average, but he needed to hear that it was big to feel good about himself. He was also really sweet and attentive outside of the bedroom, so it turned into this weird Dr. Jekyl/Mr Hyde situation.

The actual sex was disappointing, but again I think it was partly due to his insecurities
Posted it in bad sexual experience thread, but I was with a guy with micropenis. He was also short. Had short man syndrome. He was scary/ farted in my face then locked himself in my bathroom and came everywhere. Kicked him out.

I'm sure he represents a small minority and is just cliché of a guy with a small dick having issues, but it was weird.

Big penis? I like a longer dick, but not TOO wide, because that can be really painful (I've been told I have a smaller vagina any way). I literally have to be able to sink the Titanic in my pants before I can take a dick.
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Old 05-02-2014, 03:03 PM   #2
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[QUOTETo get confidence you need to practice sex, to learn how to pleasure a woman without having to rely on your dick[/QUOTE]

I don't think many users here really take good advice to heart. If any of you took any advice off this site, the above mentioned would be it. Hence why i always recommend an expensive escort for guys with no experience

But i also would like to add that small guys should not beat into their head that oral is the only way for them to be successful at sex. Girls love the touching, the passion, naked bodies rubbing against each other. Something as simple as being able to do missionary on top without crushing her with your weight can go a long, long way in the bedroom. And i know some of you may may think well thats easy, not so fast. Especially for guys with weight on them. Try holding your body up for 20 minutes with only your arm strenght and using the rest of your body to thrust. it aint as easy as it sounds. It takes practice to perfect it. Jerking off at home is not practice.
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Old 05-06-2014, 12:18 PM   #3
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I agree with your replies.

I cannot afford an expensive escort.

I'm saving for a penis transplant.
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Old 05-13-2014, 05:47 PM   #4
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LOL@penis transplant
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Old 05-06-2014, 04:07 PM   #5
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Well god damn, can't argue with you here. How much does one cost anyway and how successful are these operations?
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Old 05-07-2014, 01:06 PM   #6
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What about enlargement surgery, anyone has any credible statistics for that? Just curious since we are on the subject
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:24 AM   #7
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[QUOTE]For guys who have tried and failed, I think a better alternative is a sex therapist. They actually have sex with you to help you overcome your fears, and teach you what to do. They are very caring people, and trained in psychology, so they can be very helpful. The problem with prostitutes is that underneath they don't care about you, only your cash. So they might just tell you what you want to hear, rather than what you need to hear/QUOTE]

At first i thought you were going to say a shrink, but yea thats much better. Now is that a legal profession? I ask because hey, if it is then shouldn't insurance cove that Where do you find yourself a sex therapist who actually has sex with you? I will google when i have more time.
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Old 05-12-2014, 01:23 PM   #8
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Nah, don't really have the need to try it. Was just curious about the subject.
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Old 05-13-2014, 12:54 PM   #9
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You said you need to research it thoroughly if you want to try it. Thats what i was responding to.
Anyway doesn't really matter, it is a very interesting way to go though for some guys. I read up on it a little bit and they do indeed have clinics where they offer this kind of ummm…therapy, treatment. Some even list the surrogates, without pictures of course but they do give a brief bio of each girl. I think this is a very good way for some guys to try to get over their fears. It sure beats the hell out of any kind of escort. If i was a mod on this site i would start a whole new section dedicated only to helping guys take that first step. Would be a good place for someone to post some research about sex therapy, maybe a little PE too, some success stories hopefully. You get where I'm going with this.
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