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Desertdick 07-12-2014 05:49 AM

Are you pissed??
How many out there are really pissed about the lot they were handed? I know there really is very little we can do to increase the size of our penis. We can accept "it" like it is.....or we can be miserable most of our lives. Growing up, most of us had to deal with the humiliation of a small penis. As an adult, many have come to the realization there is little that can be "we except it". But, are we really happy about it? Do we feel free to go to nude beaches, stand away from urinals, etc.? Yes, if I could....I would love a 6" penis, but that is not going to happen. So, I guess what I am asking is.....have you accepted your "shorty" but still fell deep down that you have been cheated?

kdono 07-12-2014 12:38 PM

Don't feel cheated at all, I have a gf that loves me and could care less about my size :) I still wouldn't go to a nude beach though lol

Desertdick 07-12-2014 11:36 PM

Well said both of you. I too think with age comes accepted and realization this is what we have. I also have a husband who is very happy and encouraging. When ever I might make a comment about being small......he comes back with, "I never thought of you small".....the perfect thing to say. So all in all guess it comes down to having a good body image and positive outlook.

kdono 07-15-2014 02:07 PM

and being with the right person

crazy8 07-15-2014 04:59 PM

Yea, pissed off, wondering why me. Wishing i was in any other guys skin but mine. I once saw a bum taking a leak and i wished i was him because he was big.
I find ways to cope. Not much more you can do. Doubt i will ever fully accept the fact that I'm smaller let alone actually be happy with it. But life goes on…..

kdono 07-16-2014 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 35208)
Yea, pissed off, wondering why me. Wishing i was in any other guys skin but mine. I once saw a bum taking a leak and i wished i was him because he was big.
I find ways to cope. Not much more you can do. Doubt i will ever fully accept the fact that I'm smaller let alone actually be happy with it. But life goes on…..

still, I doubt that bum has any luck picking up ladies ;)

Road 07-17-2014 05:26 AM

Lol. Just treat women right and have confidence. Knowledge on eating pussy should help. Trust me, I strongly BET that bum would want your life.

crazy8 07-18-2014 01:47 PM

Guys thats not the point. I was just trying to describe how shitty i feel sometimes and how much i wish i was in somebody else's skin. Just wanted to show how pathetic it is sometimes.

And I'm not too sure that bum would want any of our lives even if they do come with a roof over our heads. Think about it, at least his problems can be changed, it may be extremely difficult but its not impossible. As opposed to guys like us……know what i mean

Road 07-20-2014 04:43 PM

I read this recently "if you think about, life is fair because it is unfair to everyone." Except rich kids with millionaire families. But I think when they get cut off they have no idea what to do in life.

Jsn846 08-17-2014 09:04 PM

Doesn't bother me anymore. i still get blowjobs, get fucked, so whatever, lol.

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