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SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 05-20-2015 05:00 PM

Awkward little dick moments
Not been a member for long, but it seems like there is quite a few of us in here with little todgers. Anybody have any a embarassing little dick situations, or do the majority of you guys keep it well hidden?
Also where are all you fellas from?

kdono 05-23-2015 10:56 AM

I hide it mostly, only embarrassing moments have been with gf's

SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 05-26-2015 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by kdono (Post 36682)
I hide it mostly, only embarrassing moments have been with gf's

I get you fella, those are inevitable but once they see it at its smallest and if they stick around it can only get better ��

SmallDickTricks 05-27-2015 03:47 AM

I do not remember any awkward moments but I do have an awkward little dick.
(always bumping into things.) LoL :D

slipper 05-29-2015 04:34 AM

No examples from gym class or anything??? Not size related, but I had a couple guys approach me in the showers in about 7th grade and ask what was "wrong" with my cock (me being the only uncut in four years of gym classes--7th thru 10th grades). So, I told them in vivid (cruel of me, I realize) detail what exactly had been done to theirs! They both turned a little peaked and quickly scurried away. No one ever commented on my luxurious foreskin again. ;-) Now, surely there are some dinky dick stories, too?????

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