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SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 10-24-2015 12:18 PM

Shaved or not??
Joining this group, noticed that a lot of you guys are fully shaved down below and I just don't get why? I thought maybe it was a gay thing at first as I know some of you on here are but then quite a lot of the straight guys are shaved too, noticed it in the locker rooms too, looks quite odd to me.
I get for hygiene reasons obviously but the majority of the time it looks like a plucked turkey bald or in our cases because we are smaller a kids willy. So why not keep it natural and just trim it?

bareballs 10-24-2015 04:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
well I keep my balls bare and every thing else well trimmed I like it that way.

SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 10-24-2015 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by bareballs (Post 37248)
well I keep my balls bare and every thing else well trimmed I like it that way.

Jesus mate that's a big cock!!!!
I'm the same as you, but to be fair I don't shave my balls a lot just when I remember haha
Same as ladies it's nicer to have a little hair around their

Sixincher 10-25-2015 12:42 AM

Most women tend to like shaved balls because they are pleasant to suck.

bustedm 10-25-2015 09:56 AM

You have a much better chance of getting your balls licked and sucked if you're shaved.
Also, everything will just feel better when shaved. And the hygiene reasons already mentioned.

Stump 10-25-2015 10:46 AM

really, hygiene, better chance of getting sucked, different strokes, some think by shaving it makes them look bigger.

SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 10-25-2015 04:51 PM

Everyone to their own, like I said balls I understand. Just the main bush looks a tad odd shaved is all. Different strokes and all that.

tom88 10-25-2015 06:56 PM

I like that guys have hair

slipper 10-28-2015 06:03 AM

There simply are all kinds. Every one doesn't wear their head hair nor facial hair the same, why pubic hair? Just enjoy the variation and don't bother asking why, imho.

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