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hamlet1990 03-11-2016 04:09 PM

An embarrassing question...
I'm an obese guy. I'm working on losing weight, but it's a process. As a lot of you overweight guys know, washing and cleaning your dick can be difficult with a big stomach in the way. What's a good and easy way to wash it? I wash every day in the shower, but it still smells most of the time. It's to the point where my girlfriend doesn't want to touch me, and it's very embarrassing. Any suggestions at all? Thanks!

Carilda 03-12-2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by hamlet1990 (Post 38321)
I'm an obese guy. I'm working on losing weight, but it's a process. As a lot of you overweight guys know, washing and cleaning your dick can be difficult with a big stomach in the way. What's a good and easy way to wash it? I wash every day in the shower, but it still smells most of the time. It's to the point where my girlfriend doesn't want to touch me, and it's very embarrassing. Any suggestions at all? Thanks!

You do not have bidet? It is ideal for that.

hamlet1990 03-12-2016 08:06 PM

No bidet. Lol

slipper 03-13-2016 04:53 AM

Bidets are almost unheard of in the US.

Carilda 03-14-2016 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by slipper (Post 38326)
Bidets are almost unheard of in the US.

Yes, I know. In the USA movies always make jokes about it.:confused:

minuteman 03-15-2016 11:11 AM

If you are showering every day and you still smell, then perhaps you need to change the soap/cleanser you are using. If that's not it, then maybe you need to see your GP/PCP?

SomeDaysIt'sAInnie 03-15-2016 05:13 PM

What minute man said ��

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