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minuteman 05-13-2017 03:20 PM

Female reactions to size
Prompted by the thread about showing on cam, I was wondering about the reactions we get from females when they get to see our equipment.

If (as is claimed) size isn't that important, why do females go 'wow!' when they see a big one and 'hahaha!' (or 'eeew') when they see a small one? Why not the other way around (as it was in ancient Greece)?

I've got no proof of this, but I also get the impression that females are more offended (if offended at all) by the sight of a small cock rather than a big one. It's almost as if they consider that smallys are abominations that should be kept out of sight, but its more OK to show a big one, because, well, you've got something to show - almost as if it's size excuses it.

I've had some girls be quite abusive on Omegle, yet from vids I've seen of hung guys showing off, their reaction is all 'shock and awe'.

Just throwing this out there...

bustedm 05-14-2017 10:34 AM

Size is important. We know this because there is no market for small penis porn. There are no women seeking tiny cocks on dating sites. Women don't brag to their friends about how much they love their boyfriend's baby dick.

littlepercyuk 05-14-2017 04:48 PM

I wonder how many men with a reputation for being a ladies' man have a small cock? My guess is zero. If you think about such guys ... for example, Warren Beatty and Bill Wyman, both of whom claim to have slept with well over 1000 women, how could they possibly have done so with a small cock? Impossible, I'd say.

In my case having a small one has reduced my confidence with women. Logically, having a big one would increase my confidence with women. I'm convinced my life would have been quite different had I possessed a normal-sized or big cock.

minuteman 05-15-2017 10:22 AM

OK, but doesn't address my point that women seem more offended by the sight of a small dick than of a big one.

littlepercyuk 05-15-2017 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 40002)
OK, but doesn't address my point that women seem more offended by the sight of a small dick than of a big one.

I can't comment because I don't let anyone see mine, and have never observed a woman react to someone's else's tiddler. You could well be right.

In a non-sexual, non-medical, non-artistic situation women seem offended by the sight of any cock, regardless of size, whereas heterosexual men like seeing women's exposed breasts in any scenario. One New Year's Eve some guy got his decent-sized cock out in a pub and I noticed a woman bystander cover her eyes and look away in disgust.

bustedm 05-16-2017 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 40002)
OK, but doesn't address my point that women seem more offended by the sight of a small dick than of a big one.

I think women feel a slight sense of outrage that a lesser man is being sexual toward them. A man with a small penis is not considered a suitable mate, and it's insulting to women that he would think they have to settle for that. It's very similar to how short men are viewed by many women.

minuteman 05-16-2017 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by bustedm (Post 40008)
I think women feel a slight sense of outrage that a lesser man is being sexual toward them. A man with a small penis is not considered a suitable mate, and it's insulting to women that he would think they have to settle for that. It's very similar to how short men are viewed by many women.

That's pretty much my take on it, too.

Littlenicko91 05-17-2017 01:05 AM

Some times I get on omegle and show mine off lol they usually laugh or take pics but sometimes I hump my bed while I'm on omegle with some girls thing I took lol

FallenEsper 05-23-2017 07:59 PM

Ill be honest, if I was talking to a camgirl. I would wind up humping a doll on cam with my softness and they are quite interested cause its different.

Young1 09-08-2017 09:07 AM

The only true reaction in anyway positive about really small ones are CURIOSITY.

Pencil dick 09-09-2017 10:25 PM

I dunno guys my wife has always seemed happy with my cock, even when we are having sex she sometimes says it's so big and powerful and she can't take the whole thing in her mouth....she's never once complained or implied that it's too small or not enough for her

Sixincher 09-13-2017 06:04 AM

Size matters?
I've never met a woman who didn't prefer 5 inches and $200000 a year over
10 inches and $100000.

liddelpegger 02-15-2018 12:06 AM

Did she tell you it's the perfect size for her? That's code for your dick is small but I love you anyway.

I'm always annoyed when my wife tries to tell me how good my big dick is. We both know it's small and I don't appreciate the lying to try and make me feel better. That's very insulting to me.

Pencil dick 02-16-2018 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by liddelpegger (Post 41225)
Did she tell you it's the perfect size for her? That's code for your dick is small but I love you anyway.

I'm always annoyed when my wife tries to tell me how good my big dick is. We both know it's small and I don't appreciate the lying to try and make me feel better. That's very insulting to me.

How big are you liddlepegger?

liddelpegger 02-18-2018 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Pencil dick (Post 41227)
How big are you liddlepegger?

4.5 long by 4 around. No one's ever choked on it.

Right now, it won't get hard enough to fuck. Hope it's temporary.

Odalisque 03-25-2018 04:07 AM

I have the opposite problem.

Girls have always laughed at my dick. But size has rarely been an issue in a relationship. The problems start when I tell them I like it when they laugh at my dick.

minuteman 03-28-2018 01:26 PM

I get the same sort of reactions when I'm 'performing' on Omegle. If I tell women its OK to laugh, that I enjoy it, that's when they bug out. It's like they see their laughter as a stick to beat you with and when you tell them that won't work, they have nothing else to goad you with, so they leave.

The thing that makes them laugh most, is if you tell them you can't get hard any more - they find impotence hilarious. Says something about their psyche...

Odalisque 03-28-2018 09:24 PM

Yeah, it's a power thing. Looking at it objectively, the moment you encourage them to be cruel, you've taken away their power.

Every partner I've had has eventually got bored of me wanting to be humiliated. But, if I'm getting what I want, who's in charge? If a woman is constantly servicing the fantasies of a man who is permanently trying to be pathetic, it must be boring. At least, that's what my ex-wife said.....and she was a right evil bitch.

I've noticed that about impotence too. Most girls have a virtual hatred of limp dicks.

Road 04-01-2018 05:39 AM

Are we sure about a lot of what is being said here or is it all assumption? What if the guy who is small made the extra effort to be a better man and lover, I bet he could change that woman’s opinion on him.

zed_s 04-04-2018 09:55 AM

My wife has mentioned my size, but thankfully I'm only super small when soft. When I get hard, I'm big enough to make her cum from rubbing up against her gspot. She's told me a few other ex boyfriends who had bigger dicks totally missed that and it wasn't as good.

My favourite thing in the world is fucking my wife <3

minuteman 04-04-2018 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 41368)
Are we sure about a lot of what is being said here or is it all assumption? What if the guy who is small made the extra effort to be a better man and lover, I bet he could change that woman’s opinion on him.

I'm sure, because I'm relating my personal experiences and everyone else appears to be doing the same...

little_secret 04-04-2018 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 41358)
I get the same sort of reactions when I'm 'performing' on Omegle ...

The few women who dwell on me on Omegle invariably ask if it gets any bigger. I tell them, it doesn't get too big, but it cums just like the big boys.
That's when they start masturbating opposite me (or at least make a good show of it). After I've ejaculated the promised quantity, they go back to their finger pointing at size. Honor is satisfied on both sides.

smallproblem2000 04-11-2018 06:06 AM

I've never had any luck on Omegle. Maybe I'm just too small !!

kevjs35 04-14-2018 02:49 PM

I know when I go on cam and girls see my tiny dicklet they always laugh and usually cover there mouth with one hand.some girls give the small penis sign with there fingers and some take pictures of me. It’s such a turn on I almost cum instantly. LOVE IT

littlemiss 04-17-2018 12:30 PM

my hubby has a really small penis, so small we call it a winkle, and I love nothing more than him being naked and me getting my friends round for a drink, ive even invited my mother and sisters in laws, to his great surprise, ive never seen him go so red when his mum and 3 sisters walked in. What made it funnier was it was winter and his poor little winkle ( normally around 1.5 inches ) had shrivelled to the size of a salted peanut, so he is now known as peanut to his family members. After about an hour he did get an erection ( about 4.5 inches ) which made it even funnier for everyone to see his stiff little winkle bouncing up and down, but we got fed up with that and made him sit in cold water until it went down again, with much hilarity from his family especially. I later found out that his father was the same size so his mum understood how funny I and others found it. My friends and family now have their birthday parties and invite him to be a naked waiter, and laugh at him all the time, my son turns 18 in a month and he's agreed to do the same as he walked out the bathroom a month ago naked and didn't know I was outside, and I noticed he's possibly smaller than my hubby. LITTLE WINKLES RULE ( and peanuts )

littlemiss 04-17-2018 12:41 PM

I forgot to add he's not very well endowed in the testicle department either, so not only is his penis called a winkle we call his testicles, peas, which everyone else has shortened to peanut and peas, on our female nights all the ladies sit down to have their photo taken with him stood next to them naked so he doesn't show his face, and they always give it a little flick or wiggle while laughing out loud, these nights are now known as our WIGGLE AND GIGGLE NIGHTS. I think every man should parade naked when females are about whether they are well hung or tiny, because all male genitals are funny, its just the smaller one, and shrivelled ones are hilarious.:

littlemiss 04-17-2018 12:44 PM

best thing to do is invite her friends round and parade naked, you'll tell by the response if its tiny or not

littlemiss 04-17-2018 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 40002)
OK, but doesn't address my point that women seem more offended by the sight of a small dick than of a big one.

not offended by any means, just means we gotta try harder not to burst out laughing and asking we you want us to put the heating on

liddelpegger 04-23-2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by littlemiss (Post 41408)
best thing to do is invite her friends round and parade naked, you'll tell by the response if its tiny or not

I think it would embarrass my wife more than me for her friends to know I have a little dick.

There has always been an exhibitionist side to me. In my youth, I loved playing strip poker and skinny dipping, even though I was always the smallest hung guy. It would be great to be seen by all her friends that way but since it would be a problem for her, not going to happen.

tinylittlewillyboy63 05-02-2018 08:08 AM

I think that is total crap if you are famous you will sleep with thousands even if your cock is small . Mine is small and I'm not famous but in showbusiness and done ok.

jktsmalldick 05-18-2018 01:09 PM

Firys posting

minuteman 05-18-2018 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by littlemiss (Post 41409)
not offended by any means, just means we gotta try harder not to burst out laughing and asking we you want us to put the heating on

Heating wouldn't help. What you see is pretty much all I got. And don't hold in the laughter on my account - I love it!

minuteman 05-18-2018 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by littlemiss (Post 41407)
I forgot to add he's not very well endowed in the testicle department either, so not only is his penis called a winkle we call his testicles, peas, which everyone else has shortened to peanut and peas, on our female nights all the ladies sit down to have their photo taken with him stood next to them naked so he doesn't show his face, and they always give it a little flick or wiggle while laughing out loud, these nights are now known as our WIGGLE AND GIGGLE NIGHTS. I think every man should parade naked when females are about whether they are well hung or tiny, because all male genitals are funny, its just the smaller one, and shrivelled ones are hilarious.:

So there are photos of your tiny-dicked hubby having his winkle flicked?

I think we need to see some...

sizeadmirer 05-31-2018 01:29 AM

Everything in this thread >>>>>

minuteman 05-31-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by sizeadmirer (Post 41542)
Everything in this thread >>>>>


sizeadmirer 05-31-2018 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by minuteman (Post 41544)

I was feeling what people were saying, so i wanted to express that. Turns out I had only read page 1. But mqaybe there's some bullshit on pages 2 and 3. I wouldn't know :p

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