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jollyaftermath 10-02-2017 03:39 AM

Are All Women Size Queens?
I'm 32, and I've never been in a relationship. Can a good looking woman be with you for rest of your life without thinking of another man's dick? Assuming you have a 4" cock. I mean, I'd rather be alone and have random dates than having to see my with wife with someone else, no disrespect to people that do. It's just not my thing... but are all good-looking women size queens? Won't they ever get curious?

Bodydismorphia 10-02-2017 03:52 PM

If a woman is with you because of your dick, she is a dick herself. Confidence is the key and the most important sexual organ a male has is between his two ears.

jollyaftermath 10-03-2017 04:21 AM

THE BRAIN. Haha touche man.. thanks!

Road 10-09-2017 07:01 AM

I just started watching porn videos that’s pretty famous on the indie scene, she is known as Dagny. I’m shocked at how much cum this guy has every video where he jerks off onto his wife and her friends. I love the series because he is a small/regular size guy, that’s what women want. If you learn to accept that and learn how to pleasure a women (hint: eat her pussy;work the clit) you should do fine.

jollyaftermath 10-12-2017 05:05 AM

It looks like a lot of women like big dicks.. otherwise why would they rave about it? Either they enjoy the pain, or they like being full? I'm clueless here.

minuteman 10-14-2017 11:47 AM

I think it's fair to say that most women are happy with a dick in the average range, provided they are happy with the guy attached to it. I suspect there as as many women who love a large dick as find them uncomfortable (and therefore unusable).

I also suspect that of those women who find themselves saddled with a small dick, a minority will prefer it, but the majority silently wish it was bigger - either that or they go out and do something about it.

lazor 10-16-2017 10:40 AM

No, this is a myth. Research shows that most women actually prefer smaller guys, usually with dicks 5 inches or so. They find larger dicks hurt and it's easier to work with. Plus, I'm about 5 though the pics I have make me look 3, and I showed myself to a woman and she said it was just fine.

beckyembers 11-02-2017 01:57 PM

Okay, well, I have loved men of all dick sizes. If it came down to being with one who was less than seven inches, I simply insisted that he do more to please me before penetration. It's pretty simple. Once I am turned on and have cum once or twice, I can fuck a tic-tac and get a thrill out of it. But if I an have my choice, I guess I'm the bitch who prefers a guy who can whip out a monster and just go to town. But that's as much about stamina and lasting power as it is size.

minuteman 11-08-2017 12:30 PM

So in short, Becky IS a size queen. In one way or another, you are doomed to disappointment! ;)

TinyTommy 11-23-2017 03:19 PM

I don't think most women, good looking or not, are size queens, but sexually they do need some size. Almost all of the women I have been with ask for it deeper and pull my butt into them like that is somehow going to make it get in deeper. I won't ever make them see stars with intercourse.

But that doesn't always mean they will cheat. There's other alternatives to get them off. Toys, fingers, oral, etc. I would think most would not cheat just because of size, even though I know mine have cheated because of it. But there are other factors too.

My second wife was an is a size queen. She likes huge. She's showed me pictures and vids of her with a few that almost look fake they are so big. But I don't believe most women are like her. Correction, I *know* most women are not like her. She still calls me over and makes me undress and clean her apartment and do her laundry. Along with her boyfriend's.

TServo13 11-24-2017 02:11 PM

Size Matters?
For the vast majority of women that I know, If you have $$ Money $$ even a “micro-dick” will not matter, assuming you do not look like Quasimodo on a good day.

Women who judge men by their penis size alone are very, very limited in numbers and in working brain cells. When you do find one you’re usually better off (and medically safer) walking away very quickly, even if you do sport a tool that would get her attention.

Sixincher 11-25-2017 11:32 PM


For the vast majority of women that I know, If you have $$ Money $$ even a “micro-dick” will not matter
Second that

TinyTommy 11-26-2017 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by beckyembers (Post 40892)
If it came down to being with one who was less than seven inches, I simply insisted that he do more to please me before penetration.

It might just be because 7 inches is what I fantasize about having, but it seems that 7 is the magic number for women, my wife included. I wonder if others see this as true from what they've experienced or heard?

TinyTommy 11-26-2017 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by tinydickadmin (Post 41005)
It only took one size queen to make me feel that way tho. I have described that experience elsewhere in the forum

I'll have to see if I can locate that thread. Any idea of the date?

Thank you for telling what happened. I've always wondered if guys that are closer to average or big have experiences like I've had where a comment was made. It was a curiosity if they brushed it off as "she's a size queen" or whether it might give them some temporary insecurity. I see how it affected you now.

Years ago it really bothered me and made me insecure when comments were made about mine. Looking back, I'm shocked that so many women have even said things. I wouldn't take off her top and ask "why are your boobs so small". It's odd so many have asked that about my dick.

Then one day something happened and the feeling changed in a split second and I embraced it and now love it. I remember when the switch flicked. I need to share that experience here soon.

zed_s 11-28-2017 10:49 AM

An ex of mine that I truly loved once kept commenting about an ex of hers, about how his dick was just sooooo big, and she loved it. This was while she was giving me a handjob, btw. I couldn't finish. I felt like a mutant afterwards, and we were never the same after that. Broke up, etc.

Years later, I met a wonderful woman who felt I was the perfect fit, admitted she's had bigger than me and didn't care, and absolutely loved how I rubbed up against her gspot in just the right way.

Mmmm, that was some delicious sex. She was wonderful.

TinyTommy 11-28-2017 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by zed_s (Post 41018)
An ex of mine that I truly loved once kept commenting about an ex of hers, about how his dick was just sooooo big, and she loved it.

A girl I dated when I was younger did the same thing and it gave me so much insecurity we eventually broke up. She too talked about her ex while giving me a handjob and after sex. Sometimes even during sex.

But now I would love it. Instant orgasm.

TinyTommy 12-07-2017 03:17 PM

Thanks for sharing that story. It’s a shame the girl you were with didn’t say anything. 7.2 inches is big and way above average. Her friend was the definition of a size queen. You felt like I feel when I’ve had women ask if it’s in yet.

liddelpegger 02-18-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by lazor (Post 40853)
No, this is a myth. Research shows that most women actually prefer smaller guys, usually with dicks 5 inches or so. They find larger dicks hurt and it's easier to work with. Plus, I'm about 5 though the pics I have make me look 3, and I showed myself to a woman and she said it was just fine.

"Fine"? If you were a thick six, she might have called it great.

liddelpegger 02-18-2018 07:44 PM

My wife claims that she had sex with a guy with a dick smaller than mine, the rest were bigger. She used to have orgasms from fucking with bigger guys but never with me. Fortunately, I had already stepped up my pussy pleasing before her.

She admitted drunk one night, that she was pretty disappointed the first time we fucked because of my small size. After she made some rude comments, not aimed at me, I came to realize I liked small penis humiliation.

I started throwing out comments constantly about what a small dick I had, and her natural instinct was to reassure me. One day I said, I know two things. She wanted to know what they were. I said, I have a small dick and you think it's small too. Of course she denied it and wanted to know why I thought that. I told her about that time, 15 years earlier when she while drunk, had told me my dick was small. She flushed read and her response was, "well, I married you anyway, didn't I?"

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