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lelik002 07-08-2018 02:37 PM

What do you think about circumcision???
Hi girls and guys!

I want to cut my cock, but it so small.

What do you think, can doctor to do circumcision my dick?

How will my dick look after circumcision?

Does anyone have a similar size?

nimrodjockey 07-29-2018 10:28 AM

My cock is about the same size and I am cut. Worst thing I ever did. Stay intact!

zed_s 07-30-2018 09:00 AM

Yeah, why would you want it cut?

Sixincher 08-03-2018 02:26 AM

mine is uncut and i wouldn't swap

Sixincher 08-08-2018 11:12 PM

Agreed admin, if hygiene was a reason for amputation, then we should all cut off our lips to make teeth cleaning easier

liddelpegger 12-09-2018 05:07 PM

I was at birth and would choose not to if given a choice. I'm not bitter about it but do understand that it spoils some of the sensitivity.

Smalluncircumcised 11-27-2023 06:16 PM

I’m uncut and not considering getting cut

littledickwanker jay 11-28-2023 02:58 PM

I was circumcised at birth. But i'm a micropenis so unless i'm totally erect (see pic) you'd never know!

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