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Pencil dick 02-05-2019 02:29 PM

Cocks getting smaller
Hi guys I’ve always had a small cock, not crazy small or anything but 5 inches hard and like one inch floppy which I know on here is quite big compared to some of you but it’s always been small to me.

Anyway I’m 35 this year and it’s gotten ridiculously smaller like it’s probably only 3inches hard now, which I’m massively gutted about! Has this happened to anyone else???

I haven’t put on any weight or anything like that, it’s just gone super tiny. I hook up with my step brother every now and then (have done since we were teens) as his very very small and doesn’t get a lot of action because of it so I will act like a big man with my five inches compared to his two. Haha

But this time we got together our floppies were the same size and now his erection is so much bigger than mine, his always had a fat cock but his lost about four stone and now the chubby stump is a big fat cock and mines a skinny little dick.

I haven’t really felt that much when his fucking me but now I’m squealing like a pig and his proper dominating me with his big cock after all these years.

Has anyone got any advice to make my cock go back to normal, I’m scared my wife will notice and say something, the last few times we have had sex she’s not been as wet and it seems she’s not having us much fun.

Any advice would be appreciated, feeling super inadequate with this tiny dick

zed_s 02-06-2019 03:51 AM

Change up your diet to include more foods that help testosterone production. I don't know what these are, but googling should help.

Pencil dick 02-06-2019 02:48 PM

Will get on that, I wouldn’t of even thought that certain food could have testosterone abs make it go back to normal, thank you

slipper 02-23-2020 06:05 AM

At your age it should not be happening. You don't need help form us, but rather a urologist. All the best.

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