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liksmones 06-14-2009 06:24 PM

Small ones
I am 45 year old married male. My dick is 2 soft 5 hard considered small in most circles. I am not gay, but I like small dicks. I have gone to glory holes and when I see a guy with a small one playing I get excited. One time I reached in and the guy took the hint I played with him and it was great. I noticed he had a wedding ring on so I asked him if his wife knew he came to these places he said yes. He asked if I wanted to go outside and talk I agreed and went to his car. He was about 50 years old but didnt look it, said he was a supervisor at a nearby company. I asked about his experience having such a small penis erect I guessed it to be 3 inches at most. He told me when he was a kid he was teased in the shower..later when he met his wife she had been with other guys and for 10 years of marriage never said a word about his size. Then she told him she was having an affair and he immediately jumped to the conclusion it was caused by being so small. She was amazed he would think that and told him that it was because the other guy showed her more attention then he did. This was not the last time we met...more later if anybody is interested in true adventures...

drew 07-10-2009 03:53 AM

straights who love cock
they exist. maybe they're bi?..all good anyway.

drew 08-09-2009 01:46 AM

are for playing with
a small cock belongs to both sexes!

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