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bumibuana 06-15-2009 02:51 PM

Will my fiancee realize I'm small if I use large dildo on her?
Hi all, I'm like 5 inches when very-very hard, and a skinny dick, not thick.

My fiancee as far as I know has only slept with 1 guy, and she said she didn't remember the size of his dick because the sex was real bad she didn't even get aroused every single time, so the sex was painful to her due to lack of vaginal lubrication.

Seeing how she now lives in with me and her lifestyle, I'm pretty sure I'm not the second guy she slept with, the fact that she has had 3 boyfriends in the past.
Well, while what's done is done, and the past don't really matter, right now I'd like to introduce the use of sex toys to our relationship, I've been thinking about buying a slightly larger (thicker) dildo than mine, so I'll dildo fuck her and she can suck me at the same time, what concerns me is

1. How do I introduce this without offending her, and
2. Will she decide that bigger gives better sex and will she cheat on me in the future because of this experience? I think she really loves me and I'm not an obsessive lover, but you'll never know what's in people's heart yeah?

THanks and Please consider this my introduction post :D



bumibuana 06-19-2009 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by not small,but hidden (Post 773)
In my humble opinion, you must concentrate on her first. Give her all the romance, you can give.

FOREPLAY is the key to her not even notice that you have small tool. Kiss her and give all the passion and love you have for her! Try to research on oral techniques, and be very alert on what she likes...

If this doesn't work... move on to the toys

Thaks for the reply, I guess I should work on my self confidence and paradigm first before concerning about whether she'd cheat because of size or not... from what I've learned from the other forums when I posted this, women almost never cheat because only size, it's the relationship that's broken on the first place.

drew 06-19-2009 01:51 PM

hey b
hi petrus.. i think if she is already your fiancee you dont need to worry.

sosmall 06-19-2014 03:47 PM

The fact is hat she loves you your ding a ling size is good with er because she loves you. My wife is black and she says my ding a ling is just right for her and I am just four inches hard.

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