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Davidinwc 04-11-2010 06:03 PM

Do any of you have problems with underwear?
I'm referring to the type with a slit (fly) in the front for your penis to exit when you pee.
Being small, my penis's natural inclination is to poke straight out. It rarely is long enough to hang. At times during the day, it will poke out through the fly of the underpants. This gets uncomfortable, especially if/when my penis head starts rubbing against my pant"s fly area which is normally not smooth.
A few years ago I discovered underwear that not only had no fly in front, but was completely smooth with no seams. Lot more comfort. I think this was originally designed for gays because it does enhance whatever you have in your package. I'm now able to buy several different styles of this genre at mainline stores like Target, Penneys etc.


smallbutcute 04-12-2010 02:06 PM

i wear girls underwear, mostly panties that are suited for younger girls, they fit me just right for the size of my penis

micro1 06-05-2010 02:25 AM

I also wear only women's panties. They are comfortable, fit me great and enhance the sense that I am not man enough for men's undies. Besides, I have always sat when I pee. Very small penis does not go through undies and and a pair of pants easily.

mhc 06-07-2010 09:05 AM

This happens to me with pajamas, they have the slit in the front, and i dont wear underware with those so if i dont be carefull people might get an eye full.

Little Dick 08-01-2010 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by mhc (Post 4825)
This happens to me with pajamas, they have the slit in the front, and i dont wear underware with those so if i dont be carefull people might get an eye full.

yes this happens with me as well.. cos when im in my pyjamas i go commando... and there's been so many times, when my willie, pops right out, i've been noticed by quite a few, but it doesnt bother me much.

and regarding the underwear without the seam, i think they are very comfortable, and it wud eradicate ur issue.

but i still prefer womens panties. for a mere fact, that it fits right, its smooth, and it holds my cock in tact

kinkylittlecock1 08-06-2010 06:22 PM

I wwear tight bikini brefs but prefer nylon or silk womens tight bikini panties. I dont wear them out because afraid of being ib an accident and friends or family finding out.

minuteman 08-09-2010 12:13 AM

Womens panties are so much more comfortable than mens underpants, the finer fabric is just fine for restraining my little package - buying them is fun too!

appleseed 08-17-2010 02:41 AM

I have that problem too, especially if I had recently used the fly at a urinal,since I have to pull my balls out too to avoid making a mess the slit gets a little stretched out and won't close properly for a while. This also happens with boxers when the button on the fly gets loose.

joesmalldick 08-17-2010 01:14 PM

me too so I didn't wear underwear since 8Yrs

rangerman_1961 08-22-2010 01:06 PM

Boxers without a button or snap closure are NOT good for guys with smaller cocks. Most briefs are okay though. I used to buy boxers without some type of closure and the same thing would happen to me all the time. My cock would just pop right out the opening. I am glad to hear I am not the only one that has ever happened to. I thought I was crazy.

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