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liksmones 06-23-2009 01:49 PM

Public Display of small penis
My whole life I have been sensitive about the size of my dick when its not erect. I must say the size hard about 5 inches has not interferred with me having an active sex life. Never had a woman complain. But when my dick is at rest it is about 2 inches at most. As a kid I was teased when boy all had to take showers after gym class, so that made me aware I was small.
After putting up with this for 30 some years, I decided it was time to get over this. I decided to go to a nudist resort and expose myself to the world. I picked a very hot day and off I went nervous as hell. Once entering the camp there are signs warning No clothes beyond this point. I picked a parking spot by the pool marked guests. Once I parked it seemed like every eye in the place was on the new guy parking. I got fully clothed walked to the back of the car and took off my clothes. It was not that smooth of a transition, I was nervous and dropped stuff and took off things wrong..Down to the last garment my underwear I pulled them off and there was my little dick now shriveled to nothing because I was nervous. I non chalantly reached down and pulled it out of its hiding..which didnt do much good. I spotted a washroom so I headed it for it...Once inside of a stall I pulled and petted it untill it came out of hiding all 2 inches. Then I braved the walk to the pool. First I thought it would be a bunch of fat old people lounging around the pool, turned out I could not have been more wrong. It was mostly couples in their 20 and 30s most if not all the women were very attractive and had nice bodies. The men all were hung at least by my standards. I was petrified but I walked past the biggest group sunning themselves and yes I did get some stares but know laughs. The women looked more than the men. I found a lounge chair next to another single male. After a few minutes I struck up a conversation, telling him how self conscious I was. He told me that nudists are made of two kinds of people them that want to be looked at and them that want to look at others. The first group doesnt want a person to be well endowed they could care less, they just want people to look at them with envy. The second group ie the lookers want to see nice bodies so they do not pay much attention to little dick guys. After that talk I observed the people and found he was right. Eventually I got to the point that I didnt not pay any attention to being nude and more attention to others..All and all it was a rewarding experience...

DerfMik 06-23-2009 07:57 PM

Good for you man. Now only if people were brave enough like you. I would be so hesitant to go lol.

liksmones 06-23-2009 10:20 PM

Went back
I forgot to mention I had such a good experience the first visit went back two more times. Got lucky,real lucky the second time. Oneof those moments that live in the eye of your dick for years. Started by a couple that thwe wife wanted a small version of her hubby that he could watch her play with, before it was over there were two single males ,me being one, and 2 couples. Some of what I did I would not want repeated, but it was fun all cause I took a risk and ahowed my tinysoft dick.

drew 06-24-2009 02:23 PM

bold n small
public pubic? recently i found i was alone at a movie matinee, i pulled off my clothes and ran around nude. from the aisles to the front where my shadow even blocked the screen.. i got excited!
can i add,i went back today, and got a rush out the back exit.. on the unused giant concrete stairwells at the complex.. i pulled off my shorts, kicked off my sandals.. the gritty cold slabs under my bare foot..there were large windows, and with the sunlight glinting on my purple tissue helmet!. i stood in awe of my exposed stump

Kennybill 07-09-2009 05:15 AM

That's a great story, my hats off to you. What the name of the nudist club ?

Little Dick 08-01-2010 01:39 PM

right from childhood i've been mocked for my willy, in the showers, physical ed's, by my sister, but once i was 20 i was done with all this non sense, and i decided to visit a naturist resort. not sure if i would be mocked once again, but i thought it was the best option to get this phobia out of my mind.

headed to the locker room, dropped all my clothing, but left my underwear on, while in the locker room, all or most of them were well hung, so i thought twice before droppin my underwear.

once i was completely naked. headed for a shower with the other guys. did get a lot of stares below my waist. but didnt pay a heed to it. once i was done with the shower. my penis retracted in, as the shower was a cold one. with my retracted penis i hit the sands. and found a place for me to relax.

next to me was a couple in their early 30's and it was their 1st time as well. we struck up a conversation. and the guy was well hung (from my guess he would have been around 5 inch soft.) then i opened up to the lady and told her how i used to be mocked and picked on. she did mention to me, that like me theres a lot of other people. and when i did look around, i did see a lot of other guys who were small as well.

we did take long walks on the beach for some time. i was looked by a couple of people. some perhaps wondering if i was a guy or girl. some just amused by my size.

unfortunately for me i happened to get hard once. and my lady friend said its not wise to get hard . so we rushed in for a quick swim.

after that day, i have visited the resort couple of times. and no longer am i ashamed.

in fact i would like suggest to people, who are afraid to show off their little penis, should try to go to a nudist resort.

augustwest 08-01-2010 06:47 PM

I go to a clothing optional resort north of San Francisco myself. I love watching guys with normal dicks and I don't have a problem getting naked and showing my tiny thing. Luckily the hot tubs are there which makes my dick longer. The cold plunge however makes me shrink back to near nothing. Good thing about this place - noone judges you.

Little Dick 08-02-2010 02:27 PM

augustwest... thats so true... in the naturist resorts. no one actually judges u, cos every one is comfortable with their body

jimmyh 08-02-2010 06:58 PM

I've been naked many times in a pretty big crowd on a beach in the Islands. Nobody said anything or even stared at me. In fact, there were a few other guys walking around with tiny knob dicks there. We also hooked up with another couple and the guy was pretty big. His wife actually enjoyed my small dick. Go figure?

Little Dick 08-02-2010 07:05 PM


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