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Tony Manero 04-28-2009 08:39 PM

Poor dad
There is a little boy and a little girl in the woods. The little girl asked the boy, "What is a penis?" The boy replied, "I don't know." At that time he hears his mom calling him for lunch. He goes home and eats his lunch. Then he sees his dad on the couch. He goes up to his dad and ask him, "What is a penis?" The dad whips his out and says to the boy, "This is a penis. As a matter of fact, this is a perfect penis."
The boy leaves to go find his friend and brings her to the woods. The girl again asks him what a penis is. He whips out his penis and says to her, "This is a penis, and if it was four inches smaller, it would be a perfect penis!"

Armand 04-29-2009 03:59 PM

haha! now just where did the boy get his genes? :P

BTS 04-29-2009 05:42 PM

either the boy has a freakishly large penis or his dad's one unlucky SOB!

Prickly Prick 04-29-2009 11:57 PM

yes, the boy must have been his size when he was a baby! changing diaper's gotta hurt the ego somehow LOL


Originally Posted by Armand (Post 80)
haha! now just where did the boy get his genes? :P

romanite 04-30-2009 01:43 AM

i wonder if the dad ever thought if the boy was really his

Not Jack 04-30-2009 04:02 AM

funny! amazing the father was able to cum far enough to father a child

ice_k 05-01-2009 08:18 PM

LOL! Funny. Give us more.

jamaican_guy 05-18-2009 07:41 PM

My daughter-in-law is a Filipina, and she told me that she heard this joke a long time ago- in her native country. Goes to show that this kind of humor is universal. It's really funny though. I plan to put the Tagalog version in the future, but then again, none of you guys may understand it.

olympianrunner 05-20-2009 05:03 PM

I can, I studied Tagalog for close to a year (work-related). You can share it with me.

nighthawk 05-20-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by romanite (Post 157)
i wonder if the dad ever thought if the boy was really his

Now, there's a thought.

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